Part 2: Targeting a lookalike audience

After Evan creates the targeted campaign, he needs to create a targeted lookalike audience to reach new people that share characteristics of CityCool's existing customers.

Creating a lookalike audience allows Evan's campaign to reach new people that are similar to CityCool's existing customers.
  1. From the top navigation menu, Evan clicks Audiences and selects Create a lookalike audience.
  2. Evan names the audience Increase reach and in the description, brief details are added.
  3. CityCool is a US-based company with US customers. Evan selects United States as the Source country.
  4. Because Evan wants to target people that share characteristics of CityCool's existing customers, he adjusts the Similarity percentage by sliding the scale to the left.
  5. Evan clicks Create and the lookalike audience is created.