How do Facebook terms of service impact Social Audiences?

Recently, Facebook made updates to their privacy requirements. These changes include accepting their new terms of service, account verification, and audience origins.

Updated Custom Audiences Terms

Facebook updated their Custom Audience terms. You need to view and accept Facebook’s new terms to use Custom Audiences within Social Audiences. We added notifications in the Social Audiences to inform you when your accounts have not accepted the terms.

You can view Facebook’s new terms.

You need to accept these terms within all your linked Facebook accounts.

To view your account’s status, go to Social Audiences Settings.

Account Verification

Facebook now requires users to reauthenticate all linked applications, in this case Social Audiences every 90 days. We added notifications in the Social Audiences to inform you when your accounts require reauthentication.

You can read Facebook’s documentation on these changes.

Audience Data Origin

Facebook now requires users to identify the source of an audience used within a campaign. We added the ability to select this when configuring your audiences.

For audiences created before this update, we set the default audience data origin to customers and partners. You can change the origin by selecting previously created audiences and editing the source.

You can read Facebook’s documentation on these changes.