What are Facebook audiences?

Facebook Audiences are marketing segments that you target with your ads. Facebook audiences are categorized as either Custom or Lookalike.

You can use the audiences in Facebook to target specific people with your ads so that you ensure you reach the correct people who are most likely to respond.

Custom Audiences

Custom Audiences are a Facebook targeting solution that allows a marketer to match CRM data to user profiles. Social Audiences allows marketers to securely match their data within Acoustic Campaign to a Facebook Custom Audience.

Lookalike Audiences

By using a lookalike audience, you can reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they are similar to existing customers. The audiences can be optimized for reach (uppermost 5% of users that match) or similarity (uppermost 1% of users that match).​ A lookalike audience is a known set of customers that is sent to Facebook. Facebook finds other people to target who look like the known audience. You can use lookalike audiences to increase your database size and reach more people. Facebook has information such as customer likes and shares and uses this information to find sets of customers that look like them. A lookalike can be created only when it becomes available and when an audience reaches a certain size.