How can I change a link after I send the email?

Usually, you can edit the link from the single mailing report by selecting Clickthroughs. However, this option might not work if the link name contains characters that aren't allowed.

About this task

To edit a link, even after you sent the email, complete the following steps.


  1. Go to Reports > Reports (classic) > Single mailing and open the report for the sent email.
  2. In the Summary section, select Clickthroughs and click Update.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Make the change in the dialog box.

What to do next

In some cases, the Edit Link dialog box doesn't open as it does for other links. This issue can occur when the link name contains a character that is not allowed, such as an apostrophe. Link names can contain only letters, numbers, underscores, and spaces.

However, you can create a link name with any characters when you are in source view or when you import the HTML code. That means a link can be created with the link name that contains characters that are not allowed, such as in the following example:

<a href="" <name="Let's Go">Click Here</a>

To resolve the issue, contact Support to replace the link destination URL.