Testing your email

Before you send an email to a large database or contact list, you can create a test email to deliver the message to a small number of selected contacts for review. Or you can send the email to a segment or query to test the response.

About this task

Sending a test email does not affect any of the settings on the draft. All settings are retained and the content in the draft remains.

When you open the test email page, the fields are populated from the selected email template. However, the following fields can be overwritten:

  • Subject line
  • Email name
  • Test address settings
  • Test email bodies
  • Tags

If a test send fails due to a validation error, those errors display in a fixed view at the top of the screen. You can manually close the error by clicking Dismiss. If you navigate to a different page, the error automatically disappears.

For information about how to send a test email by using the enhanced send experience, watch this video: http://cdn.training.silverpop.com/training/eng/email/mailings/sendtest_training/index.html.


  1. Send the test email to one or more individual email addresses or to a contact source.
  2. Verify the subject line.
  3. Verify the email name.
  4. Select the test address settings.
  5. Select options for contact source personalization testing.
  6. Test the email body options.
  7. Send the email now.