What is segmentation?

The Acoustic Campaign database segmenting feature divides a database into equal segments or a random sampling, based on the specified number of contacts.


Equal divisions and randomness are the only criteria for selection. The segmenting feature can be used in multiple ways.

  • You can create up to 12 segmenting fields.
  • If you use the Send Hour preference, this choice counts as one of the 12 segmenting fields.

Equal divisions create multiple smaller databases. Smaller databases allow you to distribute sends over time to specify other factors. For example, to avoid overloading your system with contact responses, you can divide your database into smaller segments, for separate emails over several hours or days.

You can create multiple segments by using multiple segmenting fields so that contacts can be included in many segments without disturbing some segment that you want to preserve for future use. For example, you can divide your database into four divisions for delayed emails, but still divide the database into random samples for test emails. When you use different segmenting fields, you can create divisions as needed without affecting other divisions.

You can also segment queries.

Segments appear as separate databases on the Queries tab.

Segments are a versatile device for marking database divisions. Segments are identified in the database as a segmenting field. You can create several segmenting fields for the same database. Contacts are designated in the database to be in one segment or another, and no actual separate database is created. This has the benefit of simplified database maintenance - only one database has to be updated.

Use segmenting if you want to send to a random sample, a limited number, or to control the flow over a longer period by spacing between sends to smaller numbers. Segmenting is a numbers model. Segments are numerical designations in a field in the parent database, not a new database.

Note: Numerical segmenting is not related to the segments in analytics reports that display data from market segments.

Small random samplings can be used for testing offers, subject lines, creative elements, and so on. For example, you might select a random 5% of the database to receive a test offer, and based on the result decide whether to send the email. You can also compare the effectiveness of two messages by using two small random groups.

Segment groups

Segment groups specify the data to include in customized reports. The data is pulled from the database that is selected for a report. The group consists of one or more individual segments. Individual segments specify the data (values) accumulated in database fields.

Segment groups are often used to investigate trends, which are not always database-specific, but, which can be recognized across several databases, by using multiple reports.

Tip: To see the exact data values that are contained in a database field name, create a New Values report.

For example, if you have several databases that contain Gender and Product Type fields, you can use segment groups to show data for females in one report, and show data for males in another report, or both.

You must manually create the segments until the total number of unassigned values is 100. When this value is reached, the Acoustic Campaign automatically create segment groups option is available.