Integrating with ManageIQ

This section contains information on how you can integrate ManageIQ with IBM Control Desk and AWS.

This documentation describes how to integrate ManageIQ with IBM Control Desk and provides sample scripts. The scripts and the integration procedures mentioned in this documentation can be used as a reference and must be customized based on your production environment to enable the integration.
Note: This integration documentation, including scripts, are just samples and must be customized as per your ICD environment. The Normal IBM support process does not apply to the custom scripts or the customizations.

IBM Control Desk gives users the ability to raise tickets for IT services, including the issues on the software.

ManageIQ is an open-source management platform for Hybrid IT. It can manage small and large environments, and supports multiple technologies such as virtual machines, public clouds, and containers. Refer to https://www.manageiq.org/docs/get-started/index and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ManageIQ for more details on ManageIQ.

ManageIQ once integrated with IBM Control Desk and AWS, you will be able to perform the following actions. For further details on the use cases, refer to ManageIQ use cases.
  • There are several other AWS services accessed by the ManageIQ API and can be called from IBM Control Desk but in this POC only the following functionalists are covered. For other AWS services that are accessed by the ManageIQ API, refer to 3.3.1. Permissions for Amazon EC2 Providers section in ManageIQ documentation.
  • You can use other providers and managers as necessary in ManageIQ including Google Cloud Platform, VMware vSphere, and OpenStack. For more details, refer to https://www.manageiq.org/docs/reference/euwe/doc-Managing_Providers/miq/index.html.
  1. Self Service Centre Automated Provisioning: You can create a request for an AWS EC2 instance from IBM Control Desk using Self Service Center, ManageIQ will create an instance in the service provider (AWS) based on the requested details.
  2. Self Service Centre Automated Instance Start: You can create a request to start the AWS EC2 instance from IBM Control Desk using Self Service Center, ManageIQ will start the instance in the service provider (AWS) based on the requested details.
  3. Self Service Center Automated Instance Stop: You can create a request to stop the AWS EC2 instance from IBM Control Desk using Self Service Center, ManageIQ will stop the instance in the service provider (AWS) based on the requested details.
Note: TPAE folder contains two versions of the httpcore jar that is httpcore-4.2.4 and httpcore-4.4.4 and these can give conflict error ClassNotFoundException. Before you start the integration procedure, delete httpcore-4.2.4 jar and use only the latest one httpcore-4.4.4 jar in the TPAE lib folder to avoid any error.