Deployer's Workbench overview

The Deployer's Workbench is the best-practice tool for creating authorized CI spaces.

The Deployer's Workbench is a separately installed, Eclipse-based workbench that provides tools designed to help you create your authorized CI spaces effectively and efficiently. Deployer's Workbench provides views and editors that facilitate the definition of each part of your authorized CI space. Instructions for installing the Deployer's Workbench are provided in the Control Desk installation section of the IBM Knowledge Center. A full set of usage information and scenarios is installed with Deployer's Workbench.

The Deployer's Workbench includes best-practice default authorized CI space definitions to assist you in getting started creating your authorized CI space. You can begin with a default definition and deploy an authorized CI space to your IBM Control Desk server in minutes. You can create multiple projects, each containing a different configuration, enabling you to try different approaches to configuring your authorized CI space. You can export each project to XML files for archival purposes.

One main feature of this tool is the partial sandbox environment for editing your CI space. All the edits that you make to the authorized classification tree, promotion scopes, and relationship rules are saved only to the local copy of the overall model. No changes are made to your Control Desk server until you are ready to commit those changes.

The Deployer's Workbench is a flexible tool that supports many usage scenarios. See Usage scenarios for descriptions of several approaches.

You can use the Deployer's Workbench to create authorized CI spaces for use with any edition of Control Desk.

The Deployer's Workbench does not associate customers with CI spaces. If you are working in a multi-customer Service provider environment, see the usage scenario Creating a customer-specific CI space for information about making CI spaces customer-specific.