Pushing the Container Image to Image Repository

Docker images created are accessible to Kubernetes Cluster using image repository. Therefore, the images created above should be pushed to image repository. This can be done in a two step process as mentioned in this topic:


  1. The image must be tagged with the <hostname>:<port>/<namespace>/<tagname>:<version> format. The namespace used here is the project name that is used in Kubernetes. For example, see below command:
    docker tag <icd/ui:7612 icdlocalgsa.icdlab.com>:5000/admin/icd/ui:<7612>
  2. After image tagging is successful, the image can be pushed to the remote Docker registry. You must be logged into the registry before the images can be pushed to the registry. For example, see below command:
    docker push <icdlocalgsa.icdlab.com>:5000/admin/icd/ui:<7612>


The image is now pushed to image registry. The image can be pulled from the registry using docker pull command.