Creating Docker image for JMS Workload

The JMS workload does not require to check connection with database and is a standalone component. Therefore, image creation is different for JMS as it uses websphere-liberty as a base image.


  1. Go to c:\icd-docker-files and create a sub-directory Jms_server.
  2. Create a sub-directory files inside Jms_server and copy the latest server.xml inside the files sub-directory.
  3. Create a Dockerfile inside c:\icd-docker-files\Jms_server. Refer contents below:
    FROM websphere-liberty
    COPY files/server.xml /opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/
    RUN ["/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/installUtility","install","defaultServer"]
    The base file in above is websphere-liberty with latest tag.
  4. Use the Docker build command to build the image.
    docker build -t icd/jms:<7612>.