Scaling IBM Control Desk Workloads Pods

Scaling is one of the important features provided by Kubernetes. It allows to dynamically increase/decrease the deployment instances when the load or traffic increases.

Scaling of ICD-UI pod can be achieved in containerized ICD environment by executing the below command on master node of cluster:
kubectl scale -n icd deployment icd-ui --replicas=2

Here icd is the namespace where our workload deployment icd-ui is deployed. Replicas shows the number of pods desired.

On scaling up, the number of deployment instances increases to 2 which means two pods are created for icd-ui deployment. When a user login to IBM Control Desk application, the request can go to any of the two deployments. Both the deployments will connect to icd-ui service and can be accessed by the service which acts as a load balancer.

Similarly, scaling can be achieved on other workload deployments.

To scale down to reduce number of replicas, execute below command:
kubectl scale -n icd deployment icd-ui --replicas=1