Change Request Management business process definition

The application toolkit contains the Change Request Management business process definition (BPD) which process requests by business users to change master data.

The business process definition is started with a Change Request business object. Starting the business process definition creates a Display Changes task. The task is assigned to the Data Steward team.

The Change Request business object contains the full original record and a list of ChangeRecords that contain the requested changes to the original record. When a data steward claims the generated task, the Change Request business object is passed to the MDM Change Request Approval human service. The human service verifies that the change request exists. The human service then uses the MDM Change Request coach view to present the changes to the data steward for review.

The data steward has the choice of accepting or rejecting the changes. If the data steward accepts the changes, the human service renders an updatedObject variable by using the full original object and then applying the changes from the ChangeRecords to the updatedObject variable. The data steward has the option of providing a reason for the decision to accept or reject the changes.

You can extend and customize the business process definition within your own processes and services. The business process definition is designed to work with any object types that your environment needs to manage. The functionality assumes that you are updating objects to an MDM operational server.

This business process definition uses the following variables:
Table 1. Variables for the Change Request Management business process definition.
Variable name Variable type Data type Description
changeRequest Input ChangeRequest The ChangeRequest business object. Contains the new values for the attributes that are included in the change request.
connection Input MDM_Connection The MDM_Connection business object. Contains the information for a connection to the operational server.
  • hostname
  • locale
  • port
  • password
  • requestUser
  • serverType. This parameter is deprecated. The serverType parameter is used to document the server type that is being used. For example: virtual, physical, and so forth. The application toolkit components do not use this parameter.
  • username
  • usessl
context Input Name Value Pair (List) A list of name-value pairs that defines the context information to display in the user interface. This list provides the data steward with additional attributes associated with the change request.

For example, if the change request is to change the City, the data steward needs context to understand more about who or what the change is for. If the change is for Amanda Hernandez, you can use the context variable to pass in Given Name 1: Amanda Surname: Hernandez.

taskSubject Input String The name of the task as it appears in the Work dashboard and MDM dashboard. The Party Maintenance process application that is included with IBM® Stewardship Center uses Review Change Request: Person or Review Change Request: Organization, which ever name applies to the task.

If you do not specify a value for this variable, the task appears with the name Review Change Request.

decisionReason Output String The text that is provided by the data steward in the Decision reason field. This field is used to explain the reason for approving or rejecting the change request.
approved Output Boolean Specifies whether the change request was approved. The default is false.
updatedObject Output ANY The object that contains the updates, as a result of the approval of the changes.