The TERMCONDITION table represents a logical condition, containing conditions for entities such as Product and Agreement. TermCondition can be static or executable.

This table is used by the following domains.
Name Comment Datatype Null Option Is PK
CONDITION_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies a term and condition record in the system. BIGINT Not Null Yes
CONDITION_OWNER_TP_CD Identifies the owner of the term and condition. The Condition Attribute entity is common to both Account and Product Domain. The value is from the code table CDCONDITIONOWNERTP. BIGINT Not Null No
CONDITION_USAGE_TP_CD This value, pulled from the CDCONDITIONUSAGETP table, identifies the term and condition usage type that describes the purpose of the term and condition. BIGINT Not Null No
NAME The name of the term and condition. VARCHAR(120) Null No
DESCRIPTION The description for the term and condition. VARCHAR(3000) Null No
FROM_DATE The date from which a term and condition is valid. TIMESTAMP Not Null No
TO_DATE The date till which a term and condition is valid. TIMESTAMP Null No
OVERRIDES_CONDITION_ID The term and condition ID that is overridden by this term and condition. BIGINT Null No
OVERRIDABLE_IND A flag that indicates if the term and condition can be overridden. CHAR(1) Null No
MANDATORY_IND A flag that indicates if the term and condition is mandatory. CHAR(1) Null No
PARENT_CONDITION_ID The term and condition that is the parent of this term and condition. It is used in hierarchical and nested terms and conditions. BIGINT Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field; if it does not, the update fails. TIMESTAMP Not Null No
LAST_UPDATE_TX_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies the specific transaction within the log system that either created, updated, or deleted the data row. BIGINT Null No
LAST_UPDATE_USER The ID of the user who last updated the data. VARCHAR(20) Null No
OVERRIDE_RULE_ID An associated rule ID if it is different from the one set in CDCONDITIONUSAGETP. VARCHAR(10) Null No