The ORG table is a subtype of CONTACT and represents a non-human legal entity. For example, incorporated companies, nonprofit organizations, sole-proprietorships, partnerships, trusts, and so forth.

This table is used by the following domain.
Name Comment Datatype Null Option Is PK
CONT_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies a party in the system. BIGINT Not Null Yes
ORG_TP_CD Identifies the classification of the organization. For example: trust, company, charity, estate, etc. BIGINT Not Null No
INDUSTRY_TP_CD The industry type for the organization. For example: SIC. BIGINT Null No
ESTABLISHED_DT The date that the company or charity was established. For trusts, this is the inception date. TIMESTAMP Null No
BUY_SELL_AGR_TP_CD An identifier that uniquely separates one type of buy-sell agreement from another. BIGINT Null No
PROFIT_IND Indicates whether the organization has a Profit or Non-profit status. CHAR(1) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field; if it does not, the update fails. TIMESTAMP Not Null No
LAST_UPDATE_USER The ID of the user who last updated the data. VARCHAR(20) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_TX_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies the specific transaction within the log system that either created, updated, or deleted the data row. BIGINT Null No