An entry in the ENTITYSOURCEASSOC table defines the relationship between an entity and the source where the entity managed.

This table is used by the following domain: Party Domain

Name Comment Data Type Null Option Is PK
ENTITY_SOURCE_ASSOC_ID The primary key of the relationship between the entity and the source. BIGINT Not null Yes
CONSENT_ENTITY_ASSOC_ID References the relationship between the entity and the consent item. It is the CONSENT_ENTITY_ASSOC_ID value of the appropriate CONSENTENTITYASSOC table. BIGINT Not null No
SOURCE_IDENT_TP_CD References the source where the entity is managed. It is the SOURCE_IDENT_TP_CD value of the appropriate CDSOURCEIDENTTP table. BIGINT Null No
CREATE_DATE The date and time when the relationship was created. TIMESTAMP Not null No
START_DT The date and time when the relationship becomes valid. TIMESTAMP Not null No
END_DT The date and time when the relationship is no longer valid. TIMESTAMP Null No
LAST_UPDATE_USER The name of the user who last updated the relationship. VARCHAR(20) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT The time stamp of the last update. TIMESTAMP Not null No
LAST_UPDATE_TX_ID The transaction that updated the relationship. A unique ID is generated. BIGINT Null No