The CONTRACTCOMPONENT table contains information on contract components, such as base, riders, or others. A contract component represents a part of a contract. Every contract must have at least one base component.

This table is used by the following domains.
Name Comment Datatype Null Option Is PK
CONTR_COMPONENT_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies a contract component in the system. BIGINT Not Null Yes
CONTRACT_ST_TP_CD Identifies the status of the contract. For example, "active", "pending", "lapse pending", or "cancelled". These values are provided by the administrative source systems of the contract. BIGINT Not Null No
PROD_TP_CD Identifies the type of product associated with the contract (or at some level within the product family). Examples include Universal Life, Savings, Checking, Term Life, Auto, and so forth. BIGINT Null No
CONTRACT_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies a contract in the system. BIGINT Not Null No
CURR_CASH_VAL_AMT The cash value of the contract component. DECIMAL(17,3) Null No
PREMIUM_AMT The premium payment due at the intervals identified by the frequency mode type code for this contract component. DECIMAL(17,3) Null No
ISSUE_DT The date when the contract component was issued. TIMESTAMP Null No
VIATICAL_IND Determines whether this contract is under a viatical arrangement. A viatical settlement is a transaction that occurs when a person with a terminal or chronic illness sells a life insurance policy in return for a discounted amount of the death benefit. The viator, the individual who sells the policy, sells his or her interest in a policy to a viatical settlement company. The beneficial interest in the policy is then purchased by third party investors. A viaticated policy is a life insurance policy that has been sold. CHAR(1) Null No
BASE_IND Used to identify the base component of the contract. Every contract has at least one component, the base component. CHAR(1) Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field; if it does not, the update fails. TIMESTAMP Not Null No
LAST_UPDATE_USER The ID of the user who last updated the data. VARCHAR(20) Null No
CONTR_COMP_TP_CD A numeric representation of the type of coverage for the product. For example: Base, Rider, Base Increase, Integrated. BIGINT Null No
LAST_UPDATE_TX_ID A unique, system-generated key that identifies the specific transaction within the log system that either created, updated, or deleted the data row. BIGINT Null No
SERV_ARRANGE_TP_CD Indicates whether this contract is administered by the organization or a third party. BIGINT Null No
HOLDING_ID The primary key of a party holding record. BIGINT Null No
EXPIRY_DT The date when this record becomes inactive. TIMESTAMP Null No
PREMAMT_CUR_TP The currency type for the premium amount. BIGINT Null No
CASHVAL_CUR_TP The currency type for the current cash value amount. BIGINT Null No
CLUSTER_KEY This column can optionally be used as a clustering index. A clustering index is an index that determines how rows are physically ordered (clustered) in a table space. If not specified, the default value for this column is null. BIGINT Null No