The CDREPOSITORYTP table stores information about the content management systems and its related repositories for an organization.

This table is used by the following domains.
Name Comment Datatype Null Option Is PK
REPOSITORY_TP_CD Uniquely identifies the CMS Repository. BIGINT Not Null Yes
NAME Name of the repository, can point to the jndi name, connector name of the IICE etc. VARCHAR(120) Not Null No
DESCRIPTION Provides extra information either as an additional definition of the type code value or as free form user comments to provide further meaning to the type code. VARCHAR(255) Null No
CONTENT_SYSTEM The name of the CMS system. VARCHAR(250) Null No
NO_OF_KEYS Number of parameters defined by the CMS System, to uniquely identify a content. BIGINT Not Null No
EXPIRY_DT The date that the type code is no longer valid. TIMESTAMP Null No
LAST_UPDATE_DT When a record is added or updated, this field is updated with the date and time. On subsequent updates, the system uses this information to ensure that the update request includes a matching date and time on this field; if it does not, the update fails. TIMESTAMP Not Null No