Using Swagger UI

You can use Swagger UI to quickly try out the IBM® Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST APIs.

About this task

Swagger is an open specification for defining REST APIs. Swagger UI is a display framework that can parse the OpenAPI specification and generate an interactive API console for users to quickly and easily learn and run the REST APIs. All the REST APIs are available on a single page.

Swagger UI is integrated with IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager, and you can use it to try out and run any IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST API.

You can use the credentials of any IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager user to authenticate and make REST API requests in the Swagger UI.

Note: The Swagger UI is provided to you as-is. It contains the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST APIs. Any customization to the Swagger UI, for example, to display custom annotations or extra data, is not supported.
Here are the high-level steps to use Swagger UI:
  1. Access the Swagger UI.
  2. Authenticate and authorize the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST API operations.
  3. Run the REST APIs.


  1. Access the Swagger UI.
    In any browser, enter the following URL:
    Where, host is the IP address of the host where the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager server is installed.
  2. From the Servers list, select a server.
  3. Authenticate and authorize the REST API operations.
    1. Under the Login section, expand the POST method and click Try it out.
    2. In Request body, specify the login credentials by replacing string with your user ID and password values:
        "userid": "string",
        "password": "string"
      Tip: To view help, click Schema. To go back to edit mode, click Edit Value and click Edit.
    3. Click Execute.
    4. From Response body, select the authentication ID, that is, value of UserAuthId.
    5. Scroll up and click Authorize.
      The Available authorizations dialog box is displayed.
    6. In the Value field, specify the authorization ID in the following format:
      SKLMAuth userAuthId=Authorization ID
      Where, Authorization ID is the UserAuthId value that you copied in an earlier step.
    7. Click Authorize.
      All the IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager REST APIs are now authorized. You can now run and test any REST API.
  4. Run a REST API.
    1. Expand the method for the REST API that you want to run.
    2. Click Try it out.
    3. Specify the required parameters and click Execute.
    4. Review the response.