Enabling and disabling SNMP by using REST Administration APIs

System administrators can enable and disable SNMP on IBM® Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway by using REST Administration APIs.

About this task

You can enable and disable SNMP by using REST Administration APIs, or by using the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway Web UI. For more information about using the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway Web UI to enable and disable SNMP, see Configuring SNMP by using the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway Web UI.
Note: The commands must be capitalized as shown.


  1. Check whether SNMP is enabled by using the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway REST API GET method with the following IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway configuration URI:


    • If the status of SNMP is false, SNMP is disabled.
    • If the status of SNMP is true, SNMP is enabled.
  2. Choose an appropriate action:
    • Enable SNMP, by using the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway REST API POST method. The following example shows how to enable SNMP by using cURL:
      curl -X POST \
         -H  'Content-Type: application/json'  \
         -d  '{ 
               "SNMPEnabled": true
             ' \
    • To disable SNMP, use the IBM Watson IoT Platform - Message Gateway REST API POST method. The following example shows how to disable SNMP by using cURL:
      curl -X POST \
         -H  'Content-Type: application/json'  \
         -d  '{ 
               "SNMPEnabled": false
             ' \