Message size

In IBM® IoT MessageSight, message size equals the payload plus any part of the properties that exceeds 200 bytes.

In MQTT, the only thing in the properties is the name of the topic (plus 4 to 7 bytes of overhead). In JMS, the properties consist of the optional header fields including the topic name and user properties.

Limits for JMS and MQTT

Limit Description
clientID max=1024 characters
queue/topic name max=65535 bytes of UTF8
topic name max=65535 bytes of UTF8. Cannot have more than 32 levels of topics.
message size The maximum size message that can be sent is determined by the Max Message Size parameter on the endpoint, which cannot be larger than 256MB. The default is 4MB. This includes the properties if they exceed 200 bytes.
Restriction: The properties of a message cannot exceed 16MB
Property names Must not exceed 32750 bytes if used in a selector.
Constants Must not exceed 32750 bytes if used in a selector.
Selector Cannot have more than 255 levels of nested parentheses.
Selection rule Cannot have more than 32 levels of operators
System time for both client and server Must be in the range between the years 1970 and 2261.
Note: Expiration might not work correctly if the client and server times are not synchronized.