Configuring Properties

Use the Properties pane in the Details Display Settings window to configure display settings for properties.

Note: If you are not using the enhanced Detail widget (which is the default for WSRR V8.5.6), then you should consult the WSRR 8.5 documentation for information on configuring the old-style Detail widget. Configuring the Detail widget

You use the Properties pane to configure how the Detail widget displays properties for a particular type of item, and the actions that can be applied to those items. You select which properties are visible in the Detail widget, and where they appear. You can also configure the appearance of the widget by adding section headings, classification taxonomies, and additional properties. You also specify whether properties can be edited in the Details widget. The following figure shows an example Properties tab (in this case for the 'Capability Version' item type).

To access the Properties tab, complete the following steps:
  1. Select a Detail widget.
  2. Select Edit Page from the page tab menu.
  3. Select Edit Settings from the Detail widget menu (in the widget title bar).
Details Display Settings window properties pane
You can make the following settings on the Properties tab:
Properties are editable
Select this option if you want to be able to edit the properties of this type of item. You can edit item properties in the Detail widget by using the Edit details window.
Enable addition of custom and optional properties
Select this option if you want to be able to add new properties to an item of this type when you edit it in the Edit details window.
Display 'State'
Select this option to display the current state of the item in the enhanced Detail widget. Depending on the item being configured, the state is either shown under the title bar of the Detail widget or in another location in the widget.
Note: If you want to display or hide the state of an SLD or SLA when viewing a capability version item in the Detail widget, you must do so by configuring the detail display settings for the relevant Service Level Definition, Extended Service Level Definition, Service Level Agreement, or Extended Service Level Agreement item. If you choose to display the SLD or SLA state, you can additionally allow users to change the state, or disallow this action by using the associated Enable life cycle transitions check box.
Display State option for an SLD
Enable life cycle transitions

Select this option if you want to be able to trigger lifecycle transitions for an item. Available lifecycle states appear as menu options under the displayed state of the item.

Property Table
The details of the property are displayed in a tabular format. You can change the order in which the properties are displayed in the Detail widget. Click the up arrow next to the property if you want to move that property up one level, or the down arrow next to the property if you want to move that property down one level. You can also drag the properties to change the order in which they are displayed. The table also contains the following controls:
Select this option if you want the property to be displayed in the Detail widget. If this check box is not selected, the property is not displayed in the Detail widget.
Hide in tooltip
Select this check box if you want the relationship to remain hidden in the information that appears in the pop-up window when you hover over an item of this type in the Collections widget or Graphical Explorer widget.
Hide on Create
Select this option if you want this property to remain hidden in the Create service registry item window when you create a new service registry item.
Display as
You can control how the property is displayed in the Detail widget by using the Display as list. For example, you can display a string type property as text or text area. In some cases, you cannot change the display type, and the type is preselected for you.
This option is available for section headings. Select this option if you want the section to be expanded by default in the Detail widget. The section can then be expanded or collapsed in the Detail widget as required.
Add Classification Taxonomy
Clicking this heading displays a list of the Classifications Taxonomies. Select the taxonomy that you want to add. You can add the classification taxonomy, or select particular classifications to add from the browse classifications tree. The taxonomy that you select is displayed in the properties list. You can position it within the properties list by using the arrows, or by dragging it to the required location.

By adding the relevant classification taxonomies to the properties list, you remove the need for the classifications section. You can delete the taxonomy by clicking the delete icon next to it.

For more information about adding and positioning classification taxonomies, see Repositioning classifications.
Add a section title
Use this area to add a section title, you can choose from a supplied title or type the title of your choice and click Add. When you add a section title, you are specifying the way that the Detail widget displays the properties underneath the heading. The properties underneath this heading are displayed together in a group, which you can expand and contract in the Detail widget.

Custom section titles are displayed in the Detail widget only if a property that is listed below them is visible. If there is no property below the heading, or if the property below the heading is hidden, the heading is not displayed.
Add property
Use the Add property section to add a property to the properties table so that you can specify settings for that property. This action does not actually add a property to items of this type. You must do that by editing item instances. You must also select the Visible check box for Additional Properties.

For certain item types, you can add an optional property. To add a property, select a property from the list of options available to you and click Add.

You can also add a custom property. To add a custom property, type the name of the property (the name by which the property is referred to within the dashboard) in the Custom property name field. Type the display label (the name of the property as you would like the user to see it) in the Display label field, and click Add.
Note: The custom property appears in the Detail widget only if this property has been added to the item that is being viewed, by editing the item instance.
Note: Custom properties do not appear in the Create window for the item type that is accessed from the Action widget. You can create a custom property only by using the Edit window in the Detail widget.