Utility Commands overview

You can use the utility commands to do various functions.

The functions you can perform using utility commands include:

  • Analyzing type trees
  • Importing and exporting type trees
  • Converting type trees
  • Converting type tree properties from bytes to characters
  • Compiling maps
  • Importing to and exporting map source files
  • Generating a map report HTML file containing information about a map source file
  • Deploying systems
  • Importing to and exporting systems
  • Calculating suggested memory page size and count for maps
  • Analyzing map execution behavior
  • Converting XML type definitions
  • Creating one map that can transform any input data into XML output, and a second map that can transform the XML that the first map produced into output data in a format described by the type tree that you specified

    Use the second map only when the type tree that you specified was imported from a COBOL copybook.

  • Updating a resource or virtual server in MRN files

Some of the commands offer basic functions that are performed by the Design Studio, but allow them to be executed from the command line or within a command script without running the Design Studio applications. Other commands offer other related functions and are executed in the same way.

There are utility commands for the Type Designer, Map Designer, and Integration Flow Designer (IFD) applications as well as for other related tasks.

Type Designer:
tanalyze utility command
Analyzes type trees.
timport utility command
Imports to type trees
texport utility command
exports type trees.
tbcconv utility command
Converts type tree properties from bytes to characters.
Map Designer:
mcompile utility command
Compiles maps
mimport utility command
Imports to maps
mexport utility command
Exports maps
mreport utility command
Generates a map report HTML file from a map source file
Integration Flow Designer:
sdeploy utility command
Deploys systems
msdimport utility command
Imports to system files
msdexport utility command
Exports system files
Map Tuning:
dtxpage utility command
Calculates suggested settings for memory page size and count for maps
dtxprof utility command
Profiles and analyzes map execution behavior
Utility commands for XML:
dtxany2xml utility command
Automatically produces a map that can transform any input data into XML output
Utility commands for Resource Registry
Updates a resource or virtual server in resource name (.mrn) files.