Profiling agents and Web services

Calls to Domino® Objects in agents or Web services written in LotusScript® or Java can be monitored and their elapsed times reported.

To enable profiling in an agent or Web service, select the Security tab of the properties box and check "Profile this agent" or "Profile this web service." Profiling occurs each time an enabled agent or Web service runs. Agent profiling occurs on both the Notes® client and Domino server.

To view the profiling results for the latest run, select the agent and choose Agent - View Profile Results, or select the Web service and choose Design - View Profile Results.

The results are presented in a document based on the hidden form $BEProfile. The result document contains a heading listing the name of the agent or Web service and the creation time. The Body item of the result document contains a table with a row for each Domino Objects method called and 5 columns:

  • Class -- The name of a Domino Objects class using normalized names such as Session, Database, and Document.
  • Method -- The name of a Domino Objects method or property using normalized names such as CurrentDatabase, AppendItemValue, and Save.
  • Operation -- For properties, the type of operation: Get or Set.
  • Calls -- The number of times the method or property was called.
  • Time -- The amount of time the calls consumed in milliseconds. The symbol "<" means not enough time to calculate.

The LotusScript NotesAgent class contains a new method GetPerformanceDocument which returns the profiling results for the agent as a NotesDocument object.