getItemValueString (Document - Java)

Returns the value of an item with a single text value.

Defined in



public String getItemValueString(String name)
    throws NotesException


String name

The name of the item.

Return value


The value of the item.


If multiple items have the same name, this method returns the value of the first item.

If the item has no value or the value is numeric or date-time, this method returns null in Domino® Designer 6.5 and earlier, and an empty java string in Domino Designer 6.55 and later. To test for an empty java string, use the length property.

If no item with the specified name exists, this method returns null in Domino Designer 6.5 and earlier, and an empty java string in Domino Designer 6.55 and later. It does not throw an exception. Use hasItem to verify the existence of an item.

This method returns a rich text item rendered to plain text. Formatting and embedded objects are lost.

If the item has multiple values, this method returns the first value.
