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IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5
  Versions 8.5 and 8.5.1

OutputDOCTYPE property

Read-write. Indicates whether a !DOCTYPE statement is exported.

Defined in


Data type



public String getOutputDOCTYPE()

throws NotesException
public void setOutputDOCTYPE(String system)

throws NotesException

Legal values


The !DOCTYPE statement depends on the output and is typically one of the following:

<!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM 'domino.dtd'>
<!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM 'domino.dtd'>

You can change or suppress the SYSTEM clause with DoctypeSYSTEM.

Language cross-reference

OutputDOCTYPE property in LotusScript NotesDXLExporter class

See examples

Example: OutputDOCTYPE property
Related topics
Exporting and importing DXL

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Last updated: Monday, October 5, 2009