Intersect (NotesViewEntryCollection - LotusScript®)

Removes from a view entry collection any entries whose associated documents are not also contained in a second collection.

Note: This method is new with Release 8.


C all notesViewEntryCollection .Intersect( inputNotes )



String, NotesDocument, NotesDocumentCollection, NotesViewEntry or NotesViewEntryCollection. The NotesDocument, NotesDocuments, NotesViewEntry, or NotesViewEntries that the method will intersect with the NotesViewEntryCollection. A single NotesDocument can be specified by note ID (a String value) or NotesDocument object. Multiple NotesDocuments must be specified as a NotesDocumentCollection. A single NotesViewEntry object can be specified, as long as the NotesViewEntry object has a NotesDocument associated with it. Multiple NotesViewEntry objects that have NotesDocuments associated with them, can be specified as a NotesViewEntryCollection.


(Optional) Boolean. Specifies that after the Intersect operation is complete, whatever order the originating view was in when the NotesEntryCollection was created will remain in force for subsequent entry processing. That is, either the default view order will be used or that last set by calling ResortView.


The document or documents (or the view entries and their associated documents) being intersected must be in the same database as the original document collection. Otherwise, the method will return the error "the specified note or notes do not exist in the database" or, if a noteID was passed to the method that matches a noteID in the original collection's database, the method will use the unintended document.

Language cross-reference

intersect method in Java™ ViewEntryCollection class