Object classes and attributes for pass-through authentication

To configure pass-through authentication interface in your directory server environment, you must use the appropriate object class and the associated attributes.

Configuration attribute to set pass-through authentication

The entries for pass-through authentication are in the directory server instance configuration file, ibmslapd.conf. To set or unset pass-through authentication, you must modify the ibm-slapdPtaEnabled attribute under the cn=configuration DN entry. To enable the pass-through support, set the ibm-slapdPtaEnabled attribute to TRUE. To disable the pass-through support, set the ibm-slapdPtaEnabled attribute to FALSE. To create a pass-through authentication interface, all the subtrees specific to pass-through authentication configuration must be one level below the cn=Passthrough Authentication, cn=configuration container entry. The following entry is an example of the pass-through authentication container:
    dn: cn=Passthrough Authentication, cn=Configuration
    cn: Passthrough Authentication
    objectclass: top
    objectclass: container

Structural object class

You must add a pass-through authentication entry one level under the cn=Passthrough Authentication, cn=configuration container entry. The pass-through authentication entry must contain the ibm-slapdPta object class. This object class contains the subtree specific to pass-through authentication settings.

Auxiliary object class

To configure an entry for pass-through authentication, you might require to add an auxiliary object class. The following auxiliary object classes are associated with the pass-through authentication, ibm-slapdPtaExt, and ibm-PtaReferral.
Contains attribute mapping settings for the pass-through authentication entry. To specify attribute mapping, you must add this object class to a pass-through authentication entry with the ibm-slapdPta object class.
Contains the linking attribute for pass-through authentication for an entry in the directory information tree (DIT).

Attributes of the ibm-slapdPta object class

To configure a pass-through authentication entry with the ibm-slapdPta object class, you must set its attributes.
Table 1. The MUST and MAY attributes of the ibm-slapdPta object class
Attribute name Attribute type (MUST/MAY) Description Example
ibm-slapdPtaURL MUST The URL information of the pass-through server. The URL must contain the fully qualified host name or IP address and the port information. Use ldaps:// for SSL connection.
(for SSL)
ibm-slapdPtaSubtree MUST The subtrees in the directory server instance that is configured for pass-through authentication and validation of the authentication request. o=sample
ibm-slapdPtaResultTimeout MAY The number of milliseconds that the pass-through authentication interface waits during the ldap_result() call. The value is specified in milliseconds. The default value is 1000 milliseconds. 1000
ibm-slapdPtaMigratePwd MAY Stores the user password in the local directory entry, if the authentication is successful. If the attribute is not in an entry, then the default value, false, is assigned. false
ibm-slapdPtaConnectionPoolSize MAY Sets the number of connections for each pass-through server. The minimum pool size is 2, and the default is 4. 4

Attributes of the ibm-slapdPtaExt object class

To specify attribute mapping in the pass-through authentication entry with the ibm-slapdPtaExt object class, you must set its attributes.
Table 2. The MUST and MAY attributes of the ibm-slapdPtaExt object class
Attribute name Attribute type (MUST/MAY) Description Example
ibm-slapdPtaSearchBase MUST The search base in the pass-through server where you want to search for the entry. o=sample1
ibm-slapdPtaAttrMapping MUST The mapping of an attribute in IBM® Security Directory Server to an attribute in the pass-through server. An example of attribute mapping is cn $ uid, which indicates that the cn attribute from IBM Security Directory Server is mapped to the uid attribute in the pass-through server. attr1 $ attr2
ibm-slapdPtaBindDN MUST The bind DN value of the pass-through server. cn=admin1
ibm-slapdPtaBindPW MUST The bind password of the pass-through server. password123

Attributes of the ibm-PtaReferral object class

To specify the linking attribute for pass-through authentication for an entry with the ibm-PtaReferral object class, you must set its attributes.
Table 3. The MUST and MAY attributes of the ibm-PtaReferral object class
Attribute name Attribute type (MUST/MAY) Description Example
ibm-PtaLinkAttribute MUST

This attribute contains the name of the mapping attribute in the pass-through server as its value. For example: empNo.

There are two special cases:

  • The _DN_ value indicates that the ibm-PtaLinkValue attribute contains the DN of an entry. It must be mapped to the pass-through server.
  • The _DISABLE_ value indicates that pass-through authentication must not be run for the entry. In this case, an LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS return code is sent to client.

_DN_ and _DISABLE_ are not case-sensitive.

ibm-PtaLinkValue MUST The value that must be used with the linking attribute to search the pass-through server. E0345