Running database setup scripts

Run the SQL script to create and grant access to the installed database from the deployed message flows.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have installed any of the supported databases.

Note: You can skip this procedure, if you are upgrading App Connect for Manufacturing.

About this task

Run the SQL scripts to create and grant access to the database schema and tables.

The database related SQL scripts are located at the following folder.

UNIX platformLinux platform

Windows platform
C:\Program Files\IBM\ACMfg\\runtime\amd64_nt_4\setup


  1. Create a database by name ACMFG, user acmfg, and grant access in your supported database.

    Refer to ACMfgDB_CreateDBandUser.sql script for database specific commands.

    Make sure you change the default password in the ACMfgDB_CreateDBandUser.sql script to your own password.

    Important: Do not use the default password that is provided in the ACMfgDB_CreateDBandUser.sql script. You must change the default password to avoid unwanted users from accessing your database.
    For example,
    CREATE USER 'acmfg'@'<db_server_host_name>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ACMFG.* TO 'acmfg'@'<db_server_host_name>' WITH GRANT OPTION;
    <db_server_host_name> is the hostname of the server where the supported database is installed. This is a one-time task.
    <password> is your database password.
    Note: If you have created a database name other than ACMFG, make sure that you set the environment variable ‘ACMFG_SCHEMA_NAME’ to the specified database name and restart the Toolkit.
  2. Depending on your database type, run the following SQL script to create the database tables.
    Database type SQL script
    • DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
    • Oracle
    • MySQL
    MSSQL ACMfgDB_Setup_MSSQL.sql


It creates all the required tables in your database to hold application or business data that you can accesses from your message flows.