Stopping an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using IBM z/OS console commands

Stop an integration server on IBM® z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX) by using IBM z/OS console commands.

Before you begin


Run the console command to stop the started task, which stops the integration server.
For example:


The integration server is stopped. Unless SERVER_REUSE is set to yes, the console command deletes the integration server Docker container, and the Integration Server, as described in Deleting an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using IBM z/OS console commands.

What to do next

You can restart or delete the integration server by using IBM z/OS console commands. For more information, see Starting an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using IBM z/OS console commands, and Deleting an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using IBM z/OS console commands.