Migrating deployable resources

You can continue to use legacy resources in IBM® App Connect Enterprise. However, if you want to continue developing resources created in previous versions, you must migrate them.

Before you begin

About this task

You can import integration projects into the Version 11.0 IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit to migrate your resources from earlier versions. You can then use an imported project as the basis for a new application or library. Some of your migrated resources need further work before you can continue to develop them.
Note: Message Broker projects were renamed as integration projects in IBM Integration Bus Version 9.0.
The following list outlines the types of resource that require additional migration steps if you want to continue developing them in IBM App Connect Enterprise:
The following table summarizes the type of resource that you must migrate into IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 if you want to continue developing them:
Table 1. Legacy resources that require additional migration tasks
To continue developing in Version 11.0 Resource created in Version 9.0 Resource created in Version 10.0
Message sets You must enable the menus for message set development. You must enable the menus for message set development.
Message maps You must complete the migration of message maps to graphical data maps for those legacy message maps that you did not convert when you migrated to Version 9.0. New maps created in Version 9.0 are graphical data maps. You must complete the migration of message maps to graphical data maps for those legacy message maps that you did not convert when you migrated to Version 10.0. New maps created in Version 10.0 are graphical data maps.
ESQL files You must complete the migration tasks. No action required.
Message flows Rework your message flows if they include message flow nodes that are no longer available. Rework your message flows if they include message flow nodes that are no longer available.
Subflows You must complete the migration of the legacy subflows that you did not convert when you migrated to Version 9.0. New subflows created in Version 9.0 are created as .subflow files. You must complete the migration of the legacy subflows that you did not convert when you migrated to Version 10.0. New subflows created in Version 10.0 are created as .subflow files.

Migrating message sets

About this task

Platform-independent message sets were introduced in WebSphere® Message Broker Version 6.0. If the integration node backup file contains a message set from a release earlier than Version 6.0, the message set is not extracted; such message sets are platform-specific. Redeploy the BAR files containing such message sets or rebuild the message set or BAR file so that it is platform-independent.

In WebSphere Message Broker Version 8.0 and later, message model schema files contained in applications, integration services, and libraries are the preferred way to model messages for most data formats. Message sets are required if you use the MRM or IDOC domains. For more information about message modeling, see Message modeling concepts.

You can import message flows containing message sets from previous versions into IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0. Your existing message sets can be viewed, modified, and deployed in the usual way. However, by default, the menu options for creating new message sets or message definition files are hidden. To perform these tasks, you must first enable message set development in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit Preferences. For more information, see Enabling message set development.

Migrating message maps

About this task

IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 includes a graphical data mapping capability, which is used when you add a Mapping node to a message flow.

You can import message flows containing the following nodes, which use message mapping into IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0:
  • DataDelete
  • DataInsert
  • DataUpdate
  • Extract
  • Mapping
  • Warehouse

The message map (.msgmap) on these Version 7.0 nodes can be viewed but they cannot be deployed to the runtime because they are not available in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0. The Version 7.0 message mapping operations are accessible only in read-only mode and cannot be modified or deployed.

If you want to deploy a message flow that uses a legacy message map (.msgmap file), you must first replace the legacy node with a new Mapping node, and convert the legacy message map to a graphical data map that can be consumed by the new Mapping node (.map file).

For information about converting Version 7.0 message maps (.msgmap) to Version 11.0 graphical data maps (.map), see Converting a message map from a .msgmap file to a .map file.

Migrating ESQL files

About this task

The required character set encoding for ESQL files that are used in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 is UTF-8. When a message flow project is migrated to an integration project, any ESQL files that the message flow project contains are read by using the character set encoding that was used in the previous version of WebSphere Message Broker, and are rewritten in UTF-8. When importing your message flow projects, note that the file encoding of the workspace and host operating system must match the file encoding with which the message flow projects were created.

Migrating message flows

About this task

The set of message flow nodes that are available at IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0 might be different to the set of message flow nodes that are available at the version from which you are migrating. If your message flows contain message flow nodes that are no longer available, you must rework them to use only those message flow nodes that are available at IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0.

Migrating subflows

About this task

Since WebSphere Message Broker Version 8, you create subflows as .subflow files.

Subflows from earlier versions of the product were created as .msgflow files. You must convert them into .subflow files if you want to continue developing them in IBM App Connect Enterprise Version 11.0. You convert these subflows by using the function Convert to subflow.

For more information on how to convert a legacy subflow into a .subflow file, see Converting between message flows and subflows.