Migrating an integration node to a multi-instance integration node

Migrate an integration node to a multi-instance integration node by moving the queue manager data to a shared directory, and reconfiguring the integration node on two other servers.

Before you begin

Multi-instance integration nodes require a multi-instance queue manager. You must first check the prerequisites for running a multi-instance queue manager, and migrate your queue manager if it is single-instance. For more information, see Migrating from a single instance to a multi-instance queue manager in the IBM® MQ product documentation.

For the latest information about tested environments, see Testing statement for IBM MQ multi-instance queue manager file systems. This support statement contains detailed version and prerequisite information for each environment. A test tool is provided with IBM MQ to assist you in testing unsupported environments.

You must provide three servers to run a multi-instance integration node, which provide the following functions:
  • A shared file system to store the integration node data and logs.
  • Active instances of the integration node.
  • Standby instances of the integration node
For more information, see Create a multi-instance queue manager in the IBM MQ product documentation.


On the servers that will run the active and standby instances of the integration node, configure the required users and groups so that they have access to a shared directory on the network file system.

  1. On Windows, create the following users and groups:
    1. A domain group that is a member of the local mqbrkrs group on both servers. For example, WMB\Domain mqbrkrs
    2. A domain group that is a member of the local mqm group on both servers. For example, WMB\Domain mqm
    3. A domain user that is a member of the domain mqbrkrs and mqm groups. This ID is used for running the integration node. For example, WMB\mqsiuser
    4. A domain user that is a member of the domain mqbrkrs group and a member of the local administrators group on both machines. For example, WMB\mqsiuser-admin. This ID is used for creating the integration node. It can be the same as the previous ID, but you do not have to run the integration node as an administrator.
  2. On UNIX and Linux®, the uid and gid for mqbrkrs in /etc/password must be the same on each server. For more information, see Creating a shared file system in the IBM MQ product documentation.

Create a shared directory on the network file system with the correct access permissions. A typical configuration consists of a single shared directory that contains all data for all integration nodes that use the shared file system. Each integration node creates its own data directories under the shared directory.

  1. On Windows, create a directory on the file server for the files shared by the integration node, for example, C:\mqsishare. Update the security permissions of the directory by completing the following steps:
    1. In Windows Explorer, right-click the shared directory that you have just created and select Properties.
    2. Click the Security tab, then click Advanced > Change Permissions...
    3. Clear the "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent" checkbox.
    4. In the Permission entries window, select the entries for individual users and click Remove. Leave the entries for SYSTEM, Administrators, and CREATOR OWNER.
    5. Click Add..., and then enter the name of the global group domain mqm. Click Check Names and click OK.
    6. In the Permission Entry window, select the Allow checkbox for the Full Control entry.
    7. Repeat the previous two steps for the global group domain mqbrkrs.
    8. In the Properties window, click the Sharing tab and then click Advanced Sharing. Select the Share this folder checkbox, and leave the share name as mqsishare. Click Permissions.
    9. Click Add, and enter the name of the global group domain mqbrkrs. Click Check Names.
    10. In the Group or user names panel, select the domain mqbrkrs. Select the Allow checkbox for the Full Control entry, and then click Apply.
    11. Repeat the previous two steps for the global group Administrators.
    12. In the Group or user names panel, remove the group Everyone.
  2. On Linux and UNIX, complete the following steps:
    1. Create /HA/mqsi on the shared drive.
      Ensure that /HA/mqsi is owned by the user and group mqbrkrs, and has the access permissions rwx.
    2. If you are using an NFS v4 file server, add the following line to the /etc/exports file:
      /IBHA * rw,sync,no_wdelay,fsid=0)
      Start the NFS daemon by using the following command:
      /etc/init.d/nfs start

Copying the integration node data to the share is a manual procedure. Before you continue, ensure that you have backed up your integration node. For more information, see Backing up the integration node.

  1. Stop the integration node.

Move the IBM App Connect Enterprise configuration directories.

  1. On Windows, run the following commands:
    1. mkdir \\<server_name>\mqsishare\mqsi\
      where <server_name> is the name of your server.
    2. xcopy /e /i /q /z C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\<int_node_name> \\<server_name>\mqsishare\mqsi\components\<int_node_name>
      where <int_node_name> is the name of your integration node.
    3. xcopy /e /i /q /z C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\registry\<int_node_name> \\<server_name>\mqsishare\mqsi\registry\<int_node_name>
    4. rmdir C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\components\<int_node_name> /q /s
    5. rmdir C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\registry\<int_node_name> /q /s
  2. On Linux and UNIX, run the following commands:
    1. mkdir -p /HA/mqsi/components/
    2. mkdir -p /HA/mqsi/registry/
    3. mv /var/mqsi/components/<int_node_name>\ /HA/mqsi/components/
    4. mv /var/mqsi/registry/<int_node_name>\ /HA/mqsi/registry/

Create a file called HASharedWorkPath that contains the location of the new shared directory and place it with the integration nodes registry directory. The file must not contain any newline characters.

  1. On Windows, run the following commands:
    1. mkdir C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\registry\<int_node_name>
    2. <nul set /p =\\<server_name>\mqsishare\mqsi> C:\ProgramData\IBM\MQSI\registry\<int_node_name>\HASharedWorkPath.dat
  2. On Linux and UNIX, run the following commands:
    1. mkdir /var/mqsi/registry/<int_node_name>
    2. chmod 770 /var/mqsi/registry/<int_node_name>
    3. echo –n /HA/mqsi> /var/mqsi/registry/<int_node_name>/HASharedWorkPath

On the standby server, add the standby instance using mqsiaddbrokerinstance. For more information, see mqsiaddbrokerinstance command.

  1. Configure the standby integration node:
    1. On Windows, run the following command: mqsiaddbrokerinstance <int_node_name> -i <user_name> -a <password> -e \\<server_name>\mqsishare
    2. On Linux and UNIX, run the following command: mqsiaddbrokerinstance <int_node_name> -e /HA/
  2. On the active server, run the following command: mqsistart <int_node_name>
  3. On the standby server, run the following command: mqsistart <int_node_name>


Your single-instance integration node has been converted to a multi-instance integration node. You can verify this by using the mqsilist command. See mqsilist command.