Starting an integration server by using the mqsistartmsgflow command


To start an integration server by using the mqsistartmsgflow command, complete the following steps.

  1. Open a command line for your current installation.
  2. Enter the mqsistartmsgflow command, specifying the parameters for the integration server that you want to start.
    • If the integration node is local, specify the integration node name. For example:
      mqsistartmsgflow INODE -e default
    • If the integration node is remote, you can specify a configuration file. For example:
      mqsistartmsgflow -n -e default
    • If the integration node is remote, you can alternatively specify the connection parameters -i and -p. For example:
      mqsistartmsgflow -i -p 4414 -e default
    • If you want to start all the integration servers on an integration node, specify the --all-integration-servers flag instead of -e.For example:
      mqsistartmsgflow INODE --all-integration-servers
    See the mqsistartmsgflow command description for more details about these options.

What to do next

Start or stop resources that are deployed on your integration server; see Starting or stopping deployed resources.