mqsistop command - Windows, Linux, and AIX systems

Use the mqsistop command to stop the specified integration node, or integration servers that are managed by an integration node. The command can also be used to stop any components that are deployed to either an integration server that is managed by an integration node, or to an independent integration server.


The mqsistop command stops an integration node that is running. It does not stop a queue manager that is associated with the integration node. To stop the associated queue manager, use the command line. For more information, see the topics on starting and stopping a queue manager in the IBM® MQ documentation.

Depending on which parameters you specify with the command, you can stop one, or all of the integration servers, applications or message flows under the integration node.

An integration node cannot be stopped by using the mqsistop command with the -n | --integration-node-file parameter. This syntax can be used only to stop components under the integration node, for example an integration server. To stop an integration node, use the mqsistop command with the integrationNodeName parameter.


Some parameters have alternative long names; for example, -e and --integration-server are alternative parameter names of the integration server. The long names available are listed in the Parameters section.

Syntax for use with integration nodes

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsistopintegrationNodeName-n integrationNodeFileName -e integrationServerName--all-integration-servers -k applicationName--all-applications -y libraryName -f messageFlow--all-flows -w number of seconds before the action is aborted --immediate indicates to the integration node to shut down immediately --detail-level level

Syntax for use with independent integration servers

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsistop -s hostname -p port -k applicationName--all-applications -y libraryName -f messageFlow--all-flows -w number of seconds before the action is aborted --detail-level level


Note: You must specify at least one parameter to identify the target integration node or independent integration server for this command, in one of the following forms:
(Required) Specify the name of the integration node that you want to stop.

On Linux® and AIX® systems, all names are case-sensitive.

-s | --admin-host hostname -p | --admin-port port
Specify the hostname and port of the independent integration server where the components that you want to stop are deployed.

On Linux and AIX systems, all names are case-sensitive.

-n | --integration-node-file filename

File containing integration node connection parameters (*.broker)

Other parameters:

-e | --integration-server integration server name
(Optional) Specify the name of the integration server that you want to stop.

On Linux and AIX systems, all names are case-sensitive.


(Optional) Indicates all integration servers under the specified integration node.

-k | --application application name

(Optional) Name of an application that is deployed to the specified integration server.


(Optional) Indicates all applications that are deployed to the specified integration server.

-y | --librarylibrary

(Optional) Static library name.

-f | --flow messageflow

(Optional) message flow name.


(Optional) Indicates all message flows.

--timeout-seconds -w

(Optional) The number of seconds before the action is aborted.


(Optional) Indicates to the integration node to shut down immediately. Specify this flag only if you previously tried, and failed, to stop the integration node in a controlled fashion by using the mqsistop command without the --immediate flag.

This parameter controls the detail level of response messages.
  • 0 = display summary information
  • 1 = display standard information (default)
  • 2 = display detailed information


  • BIP8012 Unable to connect to system components.
  • BIP8013 Component does not exist.
  • BIP8016 Component cannot be stopped.
  • BIP8030 Unable to modify user privileges.
  • BIP8071 Command successfully completed


To stop the integration node, INODE:
mqsistop IBNODE
To stop an integration server managed by the integration node INODE:
mqsistop INODE -e intServer
To stop all integration servers managed by the integration node INODE:
mqsistop INODE --all-integration-servers
To stop an application that is deployed to an integration server managed by the integration node INODE:
mqsistop INODE -e intServer -k testApp
To stop a message flow in a deployed application:
mqsistop INODE -e intServer -k testApp -f testFlow
To stop an application that is deployed to an independent integration server:
mqsistop --admin-host localhost --admin-port 7600 --application testApp
To stop a message flow within an application to an independent integration server:
mqsistop --admin-host localhost --admin-port 7600 --application testApp --flow testFlow