Migrating a flow that supports ?wsdl queries

If you want WSDL and XML Schema information to be made available for existing SOAPInput-SOAPReply flows that implement web services, you must explicitly set the SOAPInput node property Enable support for ?wsdl and redeploy the flow.

About this task

In the unlikely event you have implemented an HTTPInput-HTTPReply flow to support ?wsdl queries related to a SOAPInput-SOAPReply flow, you should now deprecate the HTTP flow. By sending ?wsdl requests directly to the endpoint exposed by the SOAPInput node, this capability will continue to work even if the internal WSDL deployment details change in the future.

If your HTTP flow and your SOAP flow are using the same listener (either the integration node listener or the same embedded listener), the HTTPInput URL will clash with the SOAPInput URL, and a warning is written to the event log. In this case the ?wsdl request is always serviced correctly, but web service requests could be sent to either the SOAPInput or the HTTPInput node.