Summary and resources

In this tutorial, you learned how to use one of several types of Q Replication: unidirectional between two remote databases.

Lessons learned

By completing this tutorial, you learned about the following tasks:
  • Setting up IBM® MQ
  • Setting up Q Replication
  • Starting Q Replication
This tutorial explains how to set up unidirectional replication; however, more advanced configurations are also available:
  • Bidirectional replication, in which changes are replicated in two directions between two databases (useful for managing hot standby or backup systems).
  • Peer-to-peer replication, which maintains convergence between two or more databases that are being updated in parallel by using version information that is added to tables.
  • Event Publishing, which captures database changes, or events, and publishes them to applications in the form of XML messages.
This tutorial introduced you to the Replication Center, which you can also use for more advanced functions. For example, you can set up monitoring of replication or publishing, filter data at the source, gather statistics for performance tuning, or replicate stored procedures.

Additional resources

To learn more about Q Replication and MQ: