Module 2: Setting up Q Replication

In this module, you configure your databases and create the control tables, replication queue maps, and Q subscriptions.

The Q Capture program at the source database and Q Apply program at the target database use control tables to store important information such as which tables to capture data from, which queues to use, and which tables to apply replicated data to. Creating control tables is also known as creating a schema.

Replication queue maps identify the IBM® MQ queues that are used for sending and receiving data.

Q subscriptions identify options such as rows and columns that are replicated or published. The Q subscriptions also identify options for loading target tables.

Learning objectives

After you complete the lessons in this module, you will be able to:
  • Create the source and target control tables.
  • Enable the source database for replication.
  • Create a replication queue map.
  • Create a Q subscription.

Time required

This module should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.


Verify that the Db2® server is running.