ASNCLP commands for SQL Replication

The ASNCLP commands for SQL Replication define and change objects such as control tables, registrations, and subscription sets.

Sample ASNCLP script for setting up SQL Replication demonstrates how you can combine SQL Replication commands to create an ASNCLP setup script.

Table 1 lists the ASNCLP commands for SQL Replication and links to topics that describe each command.

Table 1. ASNCLP commands for SQL replication
If you want to ... Use this command
Add columns to an existing member ALTER MEMBER ADD COLS command
Change the properties of a registration ALTER REGISTRATION command
Change the properties of a subscription set ALTER SUBSCRIPTION SET command
Establish a session for SQL Replication ASNCLP SESSION SET TO command (SQL Replication)
Create control tables CREATE CONTROL TABLES FOR command (SQL Replication)
Create a subscription-set member CREATE MEMBER command
Create a registration CREATE REGISTRATION command
Create a SQL statement that is processed with an existing subscription set CREATE STMT command
Create a subscription set CREATE SUBSCRIPTION SET command
Drop control tables DROP CONTROL TABLES ON command
Delete a subscription-set member DROP MEMBER command
Delete a registration DROP REGISTRATION command
Delete SQL statements for an existing subscription set DROP STMT command
Delete a subscription set DROP SUBSCRIPTION SET command
Control a manual full refresh for offline load procedures OFFLINE LOAD command
Promote a registration PROMOTE REGISTRATION command
Promote a subscription set PROMOTE SUBSCRIPTION SET command
Set a source and target Capture schema for all task commands SET CAPTURE SCHEMA command (SQL Replication)
Specify whether to drop the table space when you drop the replication object that it contains SET DROP command (SQL Replication)
Set the log file name for the ASNCLP program SET LOG command
Specify a name for the output files that contain the SQL scripts SET OUTPUT command (SQL Replication)
Set up customization rules for creating table space objects SET PROFILE command (SQL Replication)
Specify whether to automatically run SQL statements SET RUN SCRIPT command (SQL Replication)
Specify an encrypted password file for connecting to servers SET PWDFILE command
Specify the server to use in the ASNCLP session SET SERVER command (SQL Replication)
Enable and disable the tracing for the ASNCLP commands SET TRACE command