Enabling a KCOP to write JSON format records

You can write records in JSON format by using the KcopJsonFormatIntegrated Kafka custom operation processor.

About this task

You can use this KCOP to replicate source operations to JSON-encoded key and value fields in an Avro Kafka producer record. This KCOP does not connect to a schema registry. The topic names are appended with "-json". By using the JsonEncoder library for serialization, a schema registry is not required so your replication target can be any installation of Apache Kafka without the need to use consumers with special deserializers or a schema registry. For full details, see API reference in Javadoc format.


  1. In Management Console, click Configuration > Subscriptions.
  2. Select the subscription.
  3. Right-click the subscription and select Kafka Properties.
  4. Verify that Zookeeper is selected as the method for Kafka apply.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Right-click the subscription and select User Exit.
  7. Enter values for the following fields:
    Class Name

    You might want to use the convention CDC_Kafka_installation_directory/conf/filename.properties.

  8. Click OK.

    Sample output

    $ db2 "insert into tab1 values (8,8,8, 'Tab1 data')"
    DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
    $ db2 "update tab1 set I1 = 9, I2 = 9 where I1 = 8"
    DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
    $ db2 "delete from tab1 where I1 = 9"
    DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

    Use the Kafka provided consumer to read the records

    kafka-console-consumer --zookeeper hostname:port --property print.key=true --topic topic name-json --from-beginning
    {"I2":8,"I3":8} {"I1":8,"I2":8,"I3":8,"V1":{"string":"Tab1 data"}}
    {"I2":8,"I3":8} null
    {"I2":9,"I3":8} {"I1":9,"I2":9,"I3":8,"V1":{"string":"Tab1 data"}}
    {"I2":9,"I3":8} null