Macros and the IBM CognosScript Language  7.5.0
IBM CognosScript Statements and Functions >

Class List


A list of classes that can be used in a Dim staement, a Typeof expression, or with the New operator:

Object Provides access to OLE automation.


Use the most specific type possible when you declare object variables. You can view the types of objects exposed by an application through automation by using an object browser and the application's type library, or by referring to the application's documentation.


This example uses the most specific type possible to declare the Visio Application object.

Sub main
   Dim Visio as Application
   Set visio = GetObject(,"visio.application")	
   If (visio Is Nothing) then
    Set visio = CreateObject("visio.application")
    If (visio Is Nothing) then
         Msgbox "Couldn't find Visio!"
         Exit Sub
      End If
   End If
   MsgBox "Visio is open."
End Sub

See Also

Dim Statement

New Operator

Typeof Function