Deploying application images to an OpenStack cloud

Learn about the steps to deploy application images to an OpenStack cloud. The cloud target environments can be your own on-premises physical machines with your own personal cloud, or the ones from an IBM®-managed cloud.

To deploy application images to an OpenStack cloud, which includes provision a new instance and deploy application images to the instance, complete the following steps:
  1. Click DEPLOY on the QUICK START page, or click the left-top button to navigate to Deploy.
  2. Select the application image and version that you want to deploy.
  3. Select the target environment that the selected application image is deployed to.
  4. Click Deploy Image.
  5. Enter a descriptive deployment label that is used to help recognize the target environment within this application.
  6. Choose the level of your authentication, Domain or Project, and enter the credential of your cloud account. Then, click Next.
  7. Configure the central processors (CPs), integrated information processors (zIIPs), and available system memory size that are allocated to the instance. Then, click Next.
    • The total quantity of CPs and zIIPs cannot be more than 8, and the quantity of CPs must be greater than the quantity of zIIPs.
    • To ensure the emulator performs well, the total quantity of CPs and zIIPs should be less than the number of real cores on the target environment.
  8. If you need to deploy a z/OS® application image that contains data set components, provide the credentials to log in to the target z/OS image.

    The credentials are needed because a more flexible and efficient way is used to restore the data sets. The ZD&T Enterprise Edition needs to log in to the target z/OS to run the job or program in the target z/OS.

  9. Select the automatic IPL option on the additional properties page.
    • If the application image is created from ADCD or an existing ZD&T instance, the option is selected by default. To issue the IPL command manually, clear the option.
    • If the application image is created from an existing IBM Z, the option is not selected by default. To issue the IPL command automatically, select the option.
    • If the application image is created from ADCD and includes extracted IBM data set components, the IPL is required, and the option will be disabled. However, you can still configure the attributes of IPL command to start z/OS emulator.

    If you want to override the IPL command, specify the attributes of the device address, IODF address, and LOADxx suffix.

  10. Click Complete.
If a deployment fails, resume the deployment by completing the following steps:
  1. Click Resume deploy.
  2. Click Retrieve logs to check the reason that causes the failure.
  3. Click Resume image deploy, and enter all required credentials. Then, click Next.
  4. Configure the central processors (CPs) and system memory (GB). Then, click Next.
  5. Configure the automatic IPL command, and click Complete.