Uninstalling on IBM Cloud Private

Learn how to uninstall Operations Management on IBM Cloud® Private.

This procedure uninstalls the deployed version of Netcool® Operations Insight®, but does not remove the load images or charts.
Note: When you uninstall a release, any unused docker images that were used as part of the installation remain on the master node and on a local repository on one or more worker nodes. From time to time, Kubernetes removes unused images as part of its garbage collection process. For more information, see Configuring kubelet Garbage Collection.
  1. Run the following Helm command to determine which releases of Operations Management on IBM Cloud Private are installed.
    helm ls --tls
  2. Delete the desired Netcool Operations Insight releases identified in the previous step by running the following Helm command against each release that is to be uninstalled in turn.
    helm delete --purge --tls release_name
    Where release_name is the name of the release to be deleted.
  3. Run the following command to verify that the desired IBM® Netcool Operations Insight release has been removed and that its' pods are no longer running.
    kubectl get pods -n namespace | egrep release_name
    Where namespace is the name of the namespace where you installed Operations Management on IBM Cloud Private.
    If any pods are still running, manually delete them by running the following command:
    kubectl delete pod <pod_name>
  4. Remove all unwanted secrets by running the following command:
    kubectl delete secret secret-name -n namespace
    Where secret-name is the name of the secret that you do not want to persist.
  5. Clean up your local storage.
  6. Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) are not deleted from StatefulSet pods. These can be retained and will be successfully bound in subsequent deployments if desired. To see which PVCs are remaining for the release which is being deleted, use the following command:
    kubectl get pvc -n namespace | grep release_name
  7. Use the following command to delete PVCs that are not required.
    kubectl delete pvc pvc_name -n namespace
    Where pvc_name is the name of the PVC to be deleted.
  8. Repeat the previous steps until all of the desired releases are deleted.
Reinstall Operations Management on IBM Cloud Private. For more information, see Installing on IBM Cloud Private.