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Loading the archive into IBM Cloud Private

Run these commands to load the archive into IBM Cloud® Private.

Before you perform this task make sure you have met the following prerequisites:
Note: The current version of Netcool® Operations Insight® is compatible with IBM Cloud Private version 3.1.1 and all of the links in this documentation point to that version of the IBM Cloud Private documentation. If you want to view a different version of the IBM Cloud Private documentation, then navigate to IBM Cloud Private documentation: Welcome page and select the desired version.
  1. Log into the cluster master node on IBM Cloud Private.
    Issue the following command:
    cloudctl login -a https://master-node-address:8443 -u username -p password [-n namespace]
    • master-node-address is the hostname or IP address of the master ICP node.
    • username is the username for the master node. By default this is admin.
    • password is the password for the master node. By default this is admin.
    • namespace is the namespace.
      Note: Only specify this parameter if you are installing in a custom namespace.
    Refer to the IBM Cloud Private general CLI commands (Cloudant) topic link at the bottom of this topic for full syntax details.
  2. Log into the Docker repository.
    docker login cluster-CA-domain:8500 -u username -p password
    • cluster-CA-domain is the name of the certificate authority domain that was used in the config.yaml during IBM Cloud Private installation. See Preparing your cluster
    • username is the username for the master node. By default this is admin.
    • password is the password for the master node. By default this is admin.
  3. Unset the proxy connection.
    The proxy connection enables you to connect to the Internet using a proxy server. You must unset this for ICP to be able to work.
    unset http_proxy
    unset HTTP_PROXY
  4. Load the Operations Management on IBM Cloud Private archive into IBM Cloud Private.
    cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive NOI_V1.5_OM_FOR_ICP.tar.gz --repo local-charts --registry cluster-CA-domain:8500/namespace
    • cluster-CA-domain is the name of the certificate authority domain that was used in the config.yaml file during IBM Cloud Private installation. See Preparing your cluster
    • namespace is the name of the namespace which you wish to deploy to.
    This command takes a considerable amount of time to complete. The exact amount of time depends on your system but you should allow from at least 15 minutes up to an hour or more.
  5. Optional: Load the Agile Service Manager on IBM Cloud Private archive into IBM Cloud Private.
    cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive NOI1.5_ASM_V1.1.4_FOR_ICP.tar.gz --repo local-charts --registry cluster-CA-domain:8500/namespace
    • cluster-CA-domain is the name of the certificate authority domain that was used in the config.yaml file during IBM Cloud Private installation. See Preparing your cluster
    • namespace is the name of the namespace which you wish to deploy to.