IBM Netcool Operations Insight Version

Release notes

IBM Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 is available. Compatibility, installation, and other getting-started issues are addressed in these release notes.


Netcool Operations Insight combines real-time event consolidation and correlation capabilities of Netcool Operations Insight with Event Search and Event Analytics. It further delivers seasonality analysis to assist in detecting regularly occurring issues. Netcool Operations Insight also enables real-time enrichment and correlation to enable agile responses to alerts raised across disparate systems including application topology.


The IBM Netcool Operations Insight V1.3.x and V1.4.x releases include the following product and component versions.

For more information about the Netcool Operations Insight products and components, see Supported products and components.

Table 1. Product and component versions
Version included Netcool Operations Insight V1.3
(March 2015 GA release)
Netcool Operations Insight V1.3
(September 2015 update)
Netcool Operations Insight V1.3.1
(December 2015 GA release)
Netcool Operations Insight V1.4
(February 2016 GA release)
Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.1
(March 2016 GA release)
Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2
(June 2016 GA release)
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus core components V8.1.0.3 V8.1.0.4 V8.1.0.5 V8.1.0.7 V8.1.0.8
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI V8.1.0.2 V8.1.0.3 V8.1.0.4 V8.1.0.5 V8.1.0.6
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact V7.1.0.2 V7.1.0.3 V7.1.0.4 V7.1.0.5 V7.1.0.6
Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.0 V1.3.1


Note: V1.3.1 is also supported.


Note: V1.3.3 is also supported.
Note: Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 also supports Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3 fix pack 1.
Event Analytics

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact Server Extensions for IBM Netcool Operations Insight_7.1.0.2 (delivered in Netcool/Impact fix pack)

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Extension for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI_1.3.0 (delivered in Web GUI fix pack)

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact Server Extensions for IBM Netcool Operations Insight_7.1.0.3 (delivered in Netcool/Impact fix pack)

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Extension for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI_1.3.0.1 (delivered in Web GUI fix pack)

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact Server Extensions for IBM Netcool Operations Insight_7.1.0.4 (delivered in Netcool/Impact fix pack)

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Extension for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI_1.3.1 (delivered in Web GUI fix pack)

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact Server Extensions for IBM Netcool Operations Insight_7.1.0.5 (delivered in Netcool/Impact fix pack)

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Extension for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI_1.4.0.1 (delivered in Web GUI fix pack)

IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact Server Extensions for IBM Netcool Operations Insight_7.1.0.6 (delivered in Netcool/Impact fix pack)

IBM Netcool Operations Insight Extension for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI_1.4.0.2 (delivered in Web GUI fix pack)

Event Search

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack V1.3.0.0

(delivered in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis)

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack V1.3.0.1

(delivered in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis)

Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack V1.3.0.2

(delivered in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis)

Topology Search

Network Manager Insight Pack V1.3.0.0 (delivered in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis)

IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition



IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager V6.4.1 V6.4.2 V6.4.2.1
IBM Network Performance Insight N/A V1.1.1
Jazz for Service Management V1.1.0.3 V1.1.2.1

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility of each component, and detailed system requirements, see the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports website:

Tip: When you create a report, search for Netcool Operations Insight and select your version (for example, V1.4). In the report, additional useful information is available through hover help and additional links.
For example, to check the compatibility with an operating system for each component, go to the Operating Systems tab, find the row for your operating system, and hover over the icon in the Components column. For more detailed information about restrictions, click the View link in the Details column.

New features

IBM Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 offers the following new features. After you install all the products, components, and fixes that are included in Netcool Operations Insight, you can benefit from all these features.
Updated product versions for Networks for Operations Insight
The Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 solution includes features delivered by the fix packs and fix pack extensions of the following products and versions:
  • Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus core components V8.1.0.8
  • Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI V8.1.0.6
  • Netcool/Impact V7.1.0.6
Note: To upgrade to Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 from, you apply these fix packs and the extensions provided with Netcool/Impact and Web GUI.
Tip: Optional: You can also apply Netcool Configuration Manager (fix pack 1) which is also available from IBM Fix Central at For more information about fix pack 1, see
More information: Supported products and components
Support for IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3 and V1.3.3 fix pack 1
The Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Insight Pack included in Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 supports IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3 in addition to the included V1.3.2 version.
The insight pack version is not changing from the previous releases (OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.0.2). There are no configuration differences regardless of whether you use IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.2 or V1.3.3.
Note: Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 also supports Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3 fix pack 1.
Support for the following new features in Event Analytics:

Known problems at eGA

The following problems with IBM Netcool Operations Insight V1.4.0.2 were known at the time of eGA.
Event search in IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3: HeatMap chart types do not render correctly
The HeatMap type charts fail to render when using IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.3, displaying the following error: Parameter category is invalid for Heat Map. The error is caused by a difference in the way charts are defined in Operations Analytics - Log Analysis 1.3.2 and 1.3.3.
The following charts are affected:
  • In OMNIbusInsightPack > Last Day > Dynamic Event Dashboard:
    • Hotspots by Node and Alert Group
    • Hotsport by AlertGroup and Severity
  • In OMNIbus_Static_Dashboard, opened from the Web GUI  EventSearch tab by right-clicking and selecting Show Event Dashboard by Node:
    • Hotspots by Node and AlertGroup
    • Hotspots by AlertGroup and Severity
To correct this problem, edit the following chart specification files, and search for all instances of category and change them to categories:
  • $UNITY_HOME/AppFramework/Apps/OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.0.2/Last_Day/
  • $UNITY_HOME/AppFramework/Apps/OMNIbusInsightPack_V1.3.0.2/
Event search in IBM Operations Analytics - Log Analysis: Right-click keyword search results hidden by default
When you right-click within the Web GUI  EventSearch tab and select Show keywords and event count, the search results are empty. The problem is caused by the Search Patterns pane being hidden by default in the Operations Analytics - Log Analysis user interface.
To view the Show keywords and event count results, click the Restore Section triangle icon on the left side of the user interface.
Network Health Dashboard: The Top Performers widget displays error
The Top Performers widget footer displays an intermittent error message Data Retrieval Error. When this error is displayed, the widget will attempt to refresh after 10 seconds. To work around this problem quicker, click the view again in the Network View Tree.
Network Health Dashboard: The Percentage Availability widget displays error
The Percentage Availability widget footer displays an intermittent error message Data Retrieval Error. When this error is displayed, the widget is not refreshing. To work around this problem, click the view again in the Network View Tree.
IBM Installation Manager - console mode: cannot install Netcool/OMNIbus core and Web GUI or Netcool/Impact at the same time.
When you install Netcool/OMNIbus core and Web GUI or Netcool/Impact at the same time with Installation Manager - console mode, the installation paths for Web GUI and Netcool/Impact are not prompted for and the installation fails. If you are performing the installation with Installation Manager - console mode, you must install the components separately.
Note: Installing Jazz for Service Management and IBM WebSphere Application Server is not supported for Installation Manager - console mode.
Operations Analytics - Log Analysis installation fails
Operations Analytics - Log Analysis V1.3.x requires a minimum 5 GB disk space on all supported operating systems. If less than 5 GB is found, the installer hangs. No error message is displayed. If this problem occurs, terminate the installer.
Globalization issues
The following issues affect the non-English language versions of Netcool Operations Insight.
Count and time stamp hover help are not translated in some charts
This issue occurs with the event search capability. It affects the OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.0.2. The following texts are not translated and appear in English only:
  • Hover help for time stamp and count in stacked bar charts, heat maps and pie charts
  • Legend for the Count field in the "Hotspots by Node and AlertGroup" chart and "Hotspots by AlertGroup and Severity" chart of the xxxOMNIbus Static Dashboard custom app
  • Legend for the Count field in the "Last Day - Hotspots by AlertGroup and Severity" chart, "'Last Day - Event Storm by Node" chart, and "Last Day - Hotspots by Node and AlertGroup" of the OMNIbus Dynamic Dashboard custom app
Error message only partially translated
This issue affects the topology search capability. It affects the Network Manager Insight Pack V1.3.0.0. If you attempt to run a topology search between two nodes on the same device, the error message that is displayed is only partially translated. The error message in full is as follows:
An error occurred calculating the path between 'X' and 'X',
The source and destination Node's cannot be the same
(Where X is the value of the NmosObjInst for the device. The first half of the message, An error occurred calculating the path between 'X' and 'X', is translated. The second half of the message The source and destination Node's cannot be the same is not translated and always appears in English.
Event Analytics: Blank fields during creation of synthetic event on non-occurrence.
Users are given the option to supply one or more values for additional columns by selecting Set additional fields. With the exception of the values specified in the Create Event window, only the values of Node and Summary are copied into the synthetic event.
Event Analytics: NOI components can write extraneous error messages to the message.log and console.log files.
This issue refers to the following error messages that NOI components can write to the message.log and console.log files that are extraneous and do not need your attention:
[3/8/15 11:07:34:794 EDT] 0000009c SystemErr   
Missed Context.javaToJS() conversion: Rhino runtime
detected object [] of class java.util.HashSet
where it expected String, Number, 
Boolean or Scriptable instance.
Please check your code for missing Context.javaToJS() call.
[15/08/05 10:55:53:668 JST] 0000009e SystemErr
R RHINO USAGE WARNING: Missed Context.javaToJS() conversion:
Rhino runtime detected object [] of class java.sql.Timestamp
where it expected String, Number, Boolean
or Scriptable instance.
Please check your code for missing Context.javaToJS() call.

In summary, you would ignore the previous error messages if you see them in the message.log and console.log files.

Note: The message.log and console.log files reside in the following directories:

Event Analytics: Removing Netcool/Impact data models that are no longer needed.
This issue refers to the following Netcool/Impact data models that are no longer needed after you upgrade to the IBM Netcool Operations Insight fix pack. Use the Netcool/Impact GUI to remove these data models:
  • ObjectServerHistoryDB2ForSeasonality
  • ObjectServerHistoryOrclForSeasonality
  • ObjectServerHistoryMSSQLForSeasonality
Note: If you choose not to remove these data models, there is no impact to the Event Analytics functionality. You would remove these data models only for cosmetic purposes.
Note: See Notes on upgrading in the New features section of these Release Notes for information about upgrading.
Event Analytics: Error occurs when users add rollup columns with DB2.
An error occurs when you add rollup columns with DB2. To avoid this error, complete the following steps to update the rollup configuration.
  1. Enter the following command in the <Impact install location>/bin directory.
    ./nci_trigger NCI <UserID>/<password> NOI_DefaultValues_Export
    FILENAME <Full Path to the file name>.properties
  2. Update the properties file as follows.
    1. Specify the number of columns you want to add to the reports:
      • Increase the value of the number_of_rollup_configuration=2 parameter for seasonal events.
      • Increase the value of the reevent_number_of_rollup_configuration=2 parameter for related events.
      For example, to add one column to the reports, increase the parameter value by one from 2 to 3.
    2. For a new rollup column, add property information.
      • For a new Seasonal Event reports column, add the following properties.
        rollup_<rollup number>_column_name=<column name>
        rollup_<rollup number>_display_name=<display name>
        rollup_<rollup number>_type=<type>
      • For a new Related Events reports column, add the following properties.
        reevent_rollup_<rollup number>_column_name=<column name>
        reevent_rollup_<rollup number>_display_name=<display name>
        reevent_rollup_<rollup number>_type=<type>
        reevent_rollup_<rollup number>_actionable=<true/false>
    Note: For more information about the properties file values, see Updating Rollup Configuration in the Installing Event Analytics guide.
  3. To refresh the fields in the AlertsHistoryDB2Table, click Refresh and Save.
  4. Run the following command to update the current configuration.
    ./nci_trigger NCI <UserID>/<password> NOI_DefaultValues_Configure 
    FILENAME <Full Path to the file name>.properties
Event Analytics: ProcessRelatedEvents and ProcessRelatedEventConfig services autostart settings are cleared after upgrading to Netcool Operations Insight 1.4.0.
To reset the ProcessRelatedEvents and ProcessRelatedEventConfig autostart settings, complete the following steps.
  1. In the Netcool/Impact UI, select the Seasonality project.
  2. In the Seasonality project, select the Services tab.
  3. In the services tab, select ProcessRelatedEvents.
    1. Right click and select Edit.
    2. In the ProcessRelatedEvents pane, select the Starts automatically when server starts check box.
  4. In the services tab, select ProcessRelatedEventConfig.
    1. Right click and select Edit.
    2. In the ProcessRelatedEventConfig pane, select the Starts automatically when server starts check box.
Event Analytics: Event summary is truncated
The event summary is occasionally truncated in the Related Events Details portlet Timeline view. To view the event summary, modify the screen resolution temporarily.
Event Analytics: Seasonal rule statistics do not match the actions that are performed
There are discrepancies between the actions carried out on events and the statistics produced. Actions are run on the events as expected but the Rule statistics are not updated.
Event Analytics: Seasonal event rule with time condition does not run
A seasonal event rule, with an action to run after a specific time that is more than 25 seconds, is not run. To ensure that a seasonal event rule that is scheduled to run after a specific time runs correctly, select a time condition of less than or equal to 25 seconds.
Event Analytics: Events Pattern screen is slow to render
The pattern creation and edit screens can take a long time to render due to the large number of event types that are associated with large data sets. This will cause delays in the pattern creation process.
Event Search: Hotspots by Node, AlertKey not displaying.
If the Hotspots by Node, Alert Group and AlertKey chart fails to display in the Last_Month->Operational Status Dashboard the SOLR heap size might need increasing.
Note: The Hotspots by Node, Alert Group and AlertKey chart is CPU intensive and can be slow to render for systems with a large amount of data.
More information: Search runtime exceptions and IBM SmartCloud Analytics - Log Analysis Performance and Tuning Guide.
Event Search: The hover values for the Event Trend by Severity charts do not appear to match the axes.
When hovering over a point on a particular severity the values returned might not appear to match the axes on the chart. It is because the hover values represent that severity only, whereas the values on the axes are cumulative. For example, if there are 20 Intermediate severity events and 26 Major severity events displayed on the line above, the Major events will appear against 46 on the Y-axis.
Event Search: Drill down does not return results.
The drill down function is not available for the type Omnibus Tree Map. This affects some of the charts in the Operational Efficiency dashboard in the Last Month folder, and in the OMNIbus Operations Manager and OMNIbus Spot Important Alerts dashboards in the Last Hour folder.
If drill down is required for these charts you can use the default Tree Map specification instead. To change specification, click the chart settings icon on the right of the chart and change Chart Type from OMNIbus Tree Map to Tree Map.
Event Search: Help text not rendered correctly for Event Analysis and Reduction in bi-directional locales.
This affects the help text in the Event Analysis and Reduction dashboards for Analyze and Reduce Event Volumes, Introduction to the Apps, and Helpful Links. The help text is not rendered correctly in the Arabic and Hebrew locales.
You can view text directly as an HTML file in a browser that supports bi-directional locales. The relevant files are Analyze_and_reduce_event_volumes.html, Introduction_to_the_Apps.html,and Helpful_links.html. The files are located in $UNITY_HOME/AppFramework/Apps/OMNIbusInsightPack_v1.3.0.2/locale/<LOCALE>/LC_MESSAGES.


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