
This parameter specifies the initial view mode when a document is displayed.

Applicable from V5.0.x

Optional values are in the following table.
Note: For the Carbon design package, the only available view modes are fullpage, thumbsonly, thumbsleft, and thumbsright.
Value Description
fullpage The document is opened with the first page visible only. Default option.
thumbsonly The document is opened with the thumbnails visible only.
thumbsleft The document is opened with thumbnails on the left and the remaining area displays the first page.
thumbsright The document is opened with thumbnails on the right and the remaining area displays the first page.
thumbstop The document is opened with thumbnails at the top and the remaining area displays the first page. (Classic design package only)
thumbsbottom The document is opened with thumbnails at the bottom and the remaining area displays the first page. Classic design package only

Sample syntax

<param name="viewMode" value="thumbsleft" />