IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Agent-specific installation and configuration

In addition to the installation and configuration information in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide, use this agent-specific installation and configuration information to install the VIOS Premium agent.


The VIOS Premium agent is preinstalled during a VIOS system installation. If the latest VIOS is installed, no additional IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring installation is required. IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent updates are sometimes packaged with VIOS fix packs. If the latest VIOS fix pack is not installed, follow the instructions for updating the VIOS system with the latest Fix Pack(

Download the latest VIOS system fix pack (

Setting up the HMC to allow remote command execution

The VIOS Premium agent must connect to the HMC using SSH to obtain VIOS mapping attributes.


From the HMC console, use the following steps to configure the HMC to allow SSH connections.

  1. In the Navigation area, select HMC Management.
  2. In the Navigation area, click HMC Configuration.
  3. In the Contents area, click Enable/Disable Remote Command Execution.
  4. When the window opens, select the box to enable SSH.

What to do next

After the HMC is enabled to allow remote command execution, configure SSH between the logical partition running the IBM Tivoli Monitoring System p® agent and the HMC. System p agents (HMC Base agent, VIOS Premium agent, and CEC Base agent) must communicate with the HMC to obtain certain attributes about LPARs, or the HMC itself, that are not directly available to the agents.

Deleting SSH keys from the HMC

Although not generally required, you can delete SSH keys from the HMC from the agent computer or from the HMC computer.


Complete one of the following steps to delete SSH keys:

  • From the agent computer (if SSH is configured), run the following command:
    $ssh hmcuser@HMC "mkauthkeys --remove 'user@hostname'"
  • From the HMC computer, log in to the HMC and run the following command:
    $ mkauthkeys --remove 'user@hostname'

Configuring the monitoring agent

To configure the monitoring agent, you must complete specific steps.

About this task

Before you configure your monitoring agent, complete the following tasks:
  • Ensure that one of the VIOS V2.2.1 releases or V2.2.2 releases is running.
  • Verify that you know the correct user ID, password, and host name of the HMC and have established an SSH connection to the HMC.
  • The VIOS agent must be configured and started under the padmin user ID.
  • Verify that this LPAR has the Allow processor pool utilization authority or Allow performance information collection option checked in the Hardware Management Console (HMC), if you want to monitor the Available CPU Units in Pool attribute.


To configure and start the monitoring agent, perform the following steps:

Note: This procedure can also be used to configure the IBM Tivoli Monitoring CEC Base agent that is installed on the VIOS. Replace the string ITM_premiumwith ITM_cec and repeat the configuration steps.

  1. List all available monitoring agents by using the lssvc command. For example:
  2. Based on the output of the lssvc command, specify the monitoring agent that you want to configure (in this case, ITM_premium).
  3. List all attributes that are associated with the monitoring agent using the cfgsvc command. For example:
    $cfgsvc -ls ITM_premium 
  4. Configure the monitoring agent with its associated attributes by using the cfgsvc command: For example:
    $cfgsvc ITM_agent_name -attr Restart_On_Reboot=value hostname=address1 mirror=address2 


    Name of the monitoring agent. For example, ITM_premium for the VIOS Premium agent.
    Either TRUE or FALSE:
    • TRUE: ITM_agent_name restarts when the Virtual I/O Server restarts.
    • FALSE: ITM_agent_name does not restart whenever the Virtual I/O Server restarts.
    Either the host name or IP address of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to which the agent sends data.
    Either the host name or IP address of the backup or secondary Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server to which the agent connects if the primary Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is unavailable.
    Either the host name or IP address of the Hardware Management Console (HMC) attached to the managed system on which the Virtual I/O Server with the monitoring agent is located. In this field, address can be specified as HMCuser@HMChostname if the administrator wants to specify an HMC user ID other than hscroot on the HMC host. If the HMCuser ID is not specified, it is assumed to be hscroot.
    Note: address3 can also be the host name or IP address of the IBM Flex System Manager (FSM), in which case address3 can be specified as FSMuser@FSMhostname.
    • cfgsvc ITM_premium -attr Restart_On_Reboot=TRUE hostname=tems_server managing_system=hmc_console

      In this example, the ITM_premium monitoring agent is configured to send data to tems_server, and to restart whenever the Virtual I/O Server restarts.

    • cfgsvc ITM_premium -attr Restart_On_Reboot=TRUE hostname=tems_server managing_system=hmcuser@hmc_console

      In this example the HMC user ID (hmcuser) is specified to be different from hscroot.

  5. The cfgsvc command configures default values for IBM Tivoli Monitoring -specific values. Use the itmcmd command to configure nondefault Tivoli Monitoring configuration values (such as KDC_FAMILIES):
    1. Enter the AIX shell:
    2. Run the itmcmd configcommand:
      # /opt/IBM/ITM/bin/itmcmd config -A va.
    3. Respond to the prompts to set protocols for communicating to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the ports to use for communication methods as you do for any IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent not in a VIOS environment.
  6. From the HMC, complete the following steps to enable the monitoring agent to gather information from the HMC. After you configure a secure shell connection for one monitoring agent, you do not need to configure it again for any additional agents.
    1. Determine the name of the managed system on which the Virtual I/O Server with the monitoring agent is located. This server is the name of the CEC.
    2. Obtain the public key for the Virtual I/O Server by running the following command:
      viosvrcmd -m managed_system_name -p vios_name -c "cfgsvc 
      -key ITM_agent_name"
      Name of the CEC to be monitored.
      Name of the Virtual I/O Server logical partition (with the monitoring agent or client) as defined on the HMC.
      Name of the monitoring agent. For example, ITM_premium.
    3. Update the authorized_key2 file on the HMC by running the mkauthkeys command:
      mkauthkeys --add public_key

      Where: public_key is the output from the viosvrcmd command.

      For example:

      $ viosvrcmd -m commo126041 -p VIOS7 -c "cfgsvc ITM_premium -key" 
      ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvjDZsS0guWzfzfp9Bbwe\ 
      3TpTrca4/y1KEBT0Va3Pebr5JEIUvWYs6/RW+bUQk1Sb6eYbcRJFH\ hN5l3F+ofd0vj39zwQ== 
      $ mkauthkeys --add 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAvjDZsS0guWzfzfp9Bbwe\ 
  7. Start the monitoring agent by using the startsvc command. For example: $startsvc ITM_premium
  8. See the following commands for more information:
    • cfgsvc (
    • lssvc (
    • startsvc (
    • stopsvc (

What to do next

When you are finished, you can view the data gathered by the monitoring agent from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

Changing the encryption key values in a VIOS environment (optional)

You can set the encryption key values to a nondefault value for an agent on VIOS.


  1. Enter the UNIX shell on the VIOS system: oem_setup_env.
  2. Remove the current keyfiles directory from the installation location. For example:
    # cd /opt/IBM/ITM
    # rm -R keyfiles
  3. Locate the installation script for System p agents that comes preinstalled on VIOS: find /usr/lpp -name
  4. Run the script. For example: # /usr/lpp/itm.premium/itm_agent/ Running the script takes you through the installation process.
  5. Accept the defaults until you see a prompt asking you for a 32-character encryption key:
    Enter a 32-character encryption key, or just press Enter to use
    the default
    Default = IBMTivoliMonitoringEncryptionKey
  6. Enter the new value for the encryption key and press Enter.
  7. Continue accepting the defaults until the installation script completes.
