Updating TBSM data sources

You can change the user ID or password and other properties of TBSM data sources with the utility described in this topic.

About this task

TBSM provides four data sources that are used by the product to access the TBSM DB2 databases. These data sources are called TBSMDatabase, TBSMComponentRegistry, TBSMMetricHistory, and TBSMMarker and provide the connection information for one or more DB2 databases you configured for TBSM.

These data sources are affected by changes to the database configuration. For example, the common scenario where the DB2 database password is changed on a required interval. Other scenarios where these data sources are affected include changing the user ID that accesses the database, or changes to connection information (like database name, hostname, and port) that result from moving the database to a new DB2 server.

TBSM includes a utility that can be used to update the TBSM DB2 data sources and test the new connection when the connection information must change. Only update these data sources when the Data server is stopped and the changes become effective on the next start of the Data server. This utility also updates connection information used by the Discovery Library Toolkit as required.

Note: The data sources TBSMDatabase and TBSMComponentRegistry require the same connection information so updates are made to both when TBSMDatabase is specified for update.

Each data source must be updated separately, as described in this procedure:


  1. Stop the Data server and the Discovery Library Toolkit.
  2. Change to the $TBSM_HOME/tools/etc directory.
  3. In a text editor, modify the properties file for the data source you want to update.

    For example, for the TBSM Database, open the TBSMDatabase_ds_update.properties file. Each properties file has comments about required values and optional values.

  4. Change to the directory: $TBSM_HOME/tools/bin
  5. Run the command:


    TBSMUpdateDatasource.bat Datasourcename


    TBSMUpdateDatasource.sh Datasourcename
    The value for the data source name depends on the data source you want to update. For example:
    • TBSMUpdateDatasource.bat TBSMDatabase
    • TBSMUpdateDatasource.bat TBSMMetricHistory
    • TBSMUpdateDatasource.sh TBSMMarker
  6. Start the Data server and the Discovery Library Toolkit.