Connection scenarios

To send and receive events two HP Connect-It scenarios must be configured, one for reading events and another for writing events.

For the writer scenario (Gateway --> HP ServiceManager) the delimited text file connector must be configured in write processing mode with the protocol set to HTTP. You can specify the server address on which the gateway is running in the protocol settings of the connector. For example, if the server is named gateway and the WRITER_PORT attribute in the gateway configuration file is set to 9001, the address would be gateway:9001.

For the reader scenario (HP ServiceManager --> Gateway) the delimited text file connector must be configured in read processing mode with the protocol set to HTTP. You can specify the server address on which the gateway is running in the protocol settings for the connector. For example, if the server is named gateway and the READER_PORT attribute in the gateway configuration file is set to 9000, the address would be gateway:9000.
Note: When configuring gateway reader scenarios with the Service Manager connector, you must check the Use Schedule Pointer box otherwise the same event data will be sent repeatedly to the gateway.

Create suitable scenarios for each event type (PMO, PMU or PMC), and replicate the same mappings as found in the mapping sections of the gateway configuration file.