This script is used for troubleshooting ping polling of network devices. Use the script to upload a plain text file of IP addresses. Use the and scripts to check the uploaded addresses.


Use the script as part of the procedure to ensure that the important IP addresses in your network are being ping polled as expected by Network Manager and, if not, to provide information to resolve the problem.

The script loads a list of IP addresses to the ncmonitor.expectedIps table. Any data already in the table is removed.

Run the script before running the and scripts. You can run the and scripts many times after running the script once. Run the again when the IP addresses that you want to check have changed.

Prerequisites for this script are as follows:
  • A plain text file containing IP addresses you want to monitor is available on the local file system.
  • The expectedIps table must have been created in the NCMONITOR schema.
  • The DbLogins file must be usable for the given domain.
  • The domain must exist in the NCIM topology database.

Running the script

To run the script, use a command line similar to the following:
$NCHOME/precision/bin/ncp_perl $NCHOME/precision/scripts/perl/scripts/ -domain DOMAIN_NAME -file FILENAME -password PASSWORD

Command-line options

The following table describes the command-line options for the script.

Table 1. command-line options
Command-line option Description
-domain DOMAIN_NAME Mandatory; the domain that contains the IP addresses for which you want to check polling status.
-file FILENAME Mandatory; a plain text file of IP addresses, separated by whitespace (for example, one IP address per line). The script accepts IPv4 addresses only. The file is expected to contain just IP addresses in standard dot notation.
-password PASSWORD Optional; the database password used to access the NCIM and NCMONITOR schemas. This is required only if the password is encrypted in the DbLogins configuration file.
-logdirLOGFILENAME Optional; a log file called ncp_upload_expected_ips.DOMAIN_NAME.log is generated that can be checked if there are any problems accessing the database. It is generated in the current directory by default if this option is not given.
-help Optional; provides help on this command