pollLog table

The pollLog table stores the latest snapshot of the status of the Polling engine. It is populated using the ncp_ping_poller_snapshot.pl script which queries ncp_poller, and transfers the results to this table.

Each row in this table corresponds to a single entity that is within the defined scope of a single active polling policy. The fields in the table can be divided into three conceptual groupings:
Entity information
This entity information can be used to cross-reference with other NCIM topology database tables.
Managed status information
This is the managed status being applied by the poll policy.
Latest poll state information
This is the latest poll state for the current entity and policy.

Entity information

Fields in the pollLog table that store entity information are described below.
Table 1. ncmonitor.pollLog database table entity information fields
Column name Description
entityId ID of the entity to ping, as defined in the NCIM topology database entityData table.
policyId ID of the relevant ping policy, as defined in the NCMONITOR policy table.
mainNodeEntityId ID of the main node that the entity belongs to, as defined in the NCIM topology database entityData table. For Chassis Ping polls, this is the same as the entityId. For Interface Ping polls, this is the ID of the main node containing the interface.
entityType As defined in the NCIM topology database entityType table, this field can take one of the following values:
  • 1: Chassis Ping polls
  • 2 Interface Ping polls
ip IP address to which the ICMP ping packet was sent. This is the accessIPAddress of the interface or chassis entity identified by entityId.
mainNodeAddress IP address of the main node that the entity belongs to, as found in the NCIM topology database entityData table. This is the accessIPAddress of the chassis entity identified by mainNodeEntityId.
ifIndex The ifIndex of the relevant interface might be available for Interface Ping polls. This can be NULL for any ping poll.
domainMgrId ID of the relevant domain, as found in the NCIM topology database domainMgr table.

Managed status information

Fields in the pollLog table that store managed status information are described below.
Table 2. ncmonitor.pollLog database table managed status information fields
Column name Description
isManaged Indicates whether the entity is being polled by this policy?
  • 0: False
  • 1: True
entityStatus Managed status of the entity identified by entityId that is being used by the poller. The value of this field is set to 0 if managed, whether explicitly listed in the NCIM managedStatus table or not.
Note: This is the status at the time of the snapshot, and therefore can differ from the contents of the NCIM managedStatus table if it is dynamically altered.
mainNodeStatus Managed status of the entity identified by mainNodeEntityId that is being used by the poller. Interfaces within an unmanaged main node are also unmanaged. The value of this field is set to 0 if managed, whether explicitly listed in the NCIM managedStatus table or not.
Note: This is the status at the time of the snapshot, and therefore can differ from the contents of the NCIM managedStatus table if it is dynamically altered.
entityChangeTime Timestamp of the last change to the entityStatus field. Defaults to a zero timestamp if unused.
mainNodeChangeTime Timestamp of the last change to the mainNodeStatus field. Defaults to a zero timestamp if unused.

Latest poll state information

Fields in the pollLog table that store latest poll state information are described below.
Table 3. ncmonitor.pollLog database table latest poll state information fields
Column name Description
lastPollFailure Last time at which a ping poll failure event was raised. Defaults to a zero timestamp if no poll failures have been raised since the poller was started.
lastPollInterval Duration of the last complete polling cycle, in seconds. This field is NULL if the policy is not actively monitoring the entity or a complete poll cycle has not finished since the poller started.
Note: The system must be on the third polling interval when the snapshot is taken.
timeSinceLastPoll Number of seconds since the last poll, at the time the snapshot was taken.
snapshotTime Time at which the data was retrieved from the poller. This is a zero timestamp if the policy is not actively monitoring the entity.