Installing the Network Manager GUI components

Install the Network Manager GUI components only after installing the core components. Install the GUI components on the server that has Jazz for Service Management already installed.

About this task

To install the Network Manager GUI components, complete the following tasks:


  1. Start IBM Installation Manager:
    1. Change to the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed.
    2. Run the following command:
      IBM Installation Manager starts in wizard mode. To use command line, silent, console, or web browser mode, refer to the information on Managing installations with Installation Manager in the IBM Installation Manager documentation at: Not all products and components support all installation modes.
  2. Click Install.
  3. On the next Install Packages screen where you can select packages to install, select the latest available version of the Network Manager GUI Components.
    The prerequisites for installing the package are evaluated.
  4. If any issues with prerequisites are displayed, resolve them using the information provided before continuing.
  5. Click Next, agree to the terms in the license agreement, and click Next again.
  6. Select the IBM Netcool GUI Server package group and click Next.
    Restriction: You must install the GUI components in the same package group as Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI.
  7. Select Product Files to be installed and click Next.
  8. On the next Install Packages screens, provide configuration information for the packages being installed. Use Next and Back to navigate through the configuration options.
  9. Confirm the properties of the Jazz for Service Management instance that you want to install into.
    Installation directory details
    The full path to the Dashboard Application Services Hub instance.
    User name
    Enter the user name for a user with administrative permissions in Dashboard Application Services Hub. If it has not been changed, you can use the default user smadmin with password netcool.
  10. Network Manager connects to an existing ObjectServer. The ObjectServer must already exist and be running and accessible from this server. Specify the details of the ObjectServer for Network Manager to connect to. These details must match the details entered when installing the core components.
    Enter the name of the ObjectServer.
    Enter the host name of the server where Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus is installed.
    Enter a port to use for connection to the ObjectServer or accept the default.
    Super user ID
    Enter the user name of a user with administrative permissions for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus.
    Enter the password for this user.
    Select Skip ObjectServer connection details verification and configuration if any of the following conditions apply:
    • Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI is already configured with a data source and an authentication source. If you configure different details, the installation overwrites the existing configuration.
    • You are unable to verify the details at this time, for example, if the ObjectServer is not accessible. If you skip this process, you must the changes later manually.

    Jazz for Service Management is configured to use this ObjectServer for authentication.
  11. Configure the Network Manager default users. The users itnmadmin and itnmuser are created by the installer in the ObjectServer. The same password is used for all users. If one or more of these users already exist, the password is not changed.
    Specify a password for these users. Record the password.
    Confirm password
    Confirm the password.
  12. Enter the details for the topology database that is installed. These details must match the details entered when installing the core components.
    1. Select the database type.
    2. Enter the database connection details:
      If you selected Db2® as the database type, enter the following details:
      Database name
      Enter the name of the database.
      Server host
      Enter the host name of the server where the database is installed.
      Server port
      Enter the port number for connecting to the database.
      User ID
      Enter the ID of an existing Db2 user that has permissions to create tables.
      Enter the password for this user.
      If you selected Oracle as the database type, enter the following details:
      Oracle Service Name
      Enter the Service Name for the database.
      Server host
      Enter the host name of the server on which the database is installed.
      User ID
      Enter the ID of an existing Oracle user that has permissions to access NCIM tables. The default user ID is ncim.
      Enter the password for this user.
    3. Select Create tables to hold topology data in created database to create the database tables that are needed by Network Manager. If you already created the database tables by using the database creation scripts, you do not need to select this option. If you already created the tables and you select the option to create them again, you receive an error at the end of the installation. This error indicates that the tables were not created.
    4. Select Skip database connection details verification if you do not want to verify the connection, if the database is inaccessible or for other reasons.
  13. Review the summary information and click Install.


The Network Manager GUI components are installed. Any errors are written to the installation log file, which you can view by clicking View Log File. Log files are kept in the /logs/ directory in the IBM Installation Manager data location.